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Posted on: 2008/05/17, 10:58 AM by: asimmer
The WSSC is working great for everyone in it..I got terribly bored doing the total body, missed my heavy liftng and fell of the wagon, lol. So I have set some new goals, gone a new direction and intend to become a champion! :)

So - a brand new outlook, a brand new routine, a brand new diet and a brand new determination :)

Today was Leg day and also day one of my new routine. My new goals are:

1) Train consistently, but not overtrain. I have scheduled this 2 on/1 off split routine through the end of July, then the last week of July/first week of August will be rest and planning for the next phase. Cardio will be 4X a week, more if I am feeling fiesty. So the main thing is to do it.

2)Diet consistently. My plans have been all over the place the last few months, so I decided I need to pick a path and stay on it for long enough for it to work. The path I have picked is beverly International's plan for competititve bodybuilders. I am on Plan G at the current time, which is for female bodybuilders who have let their bodyfat get too high:o

Here is what a day looks like:

Meal 1
1 whole egg & 3 whites
3 oz lean meat
1/3c oatmeal (dry measure)

Meal 2
option A - protein shake with 2 sccops protein, 1 tbsp healthy fat or heavy cream
option B - 4 oz lean beef/chicken/tuna, one small apple or orange

Meal 3
5 oz lean meat
1/2c cooked brown rice or 4 oz sweet potato
1c vegetables or 2c green salad with 2 tbsp oil&vinegar dressing

meal 4
2 scoops protein powder in 16 oz water

Meal 5
6 oz salmon or very lean protein
1 c low carb vegetbales
salad with 1 tbsp vinegar and oil dressing

Meal 6
option A protein shake or protein made into pudding (my absolute fave way)
option B 6 egg whites with 1 cup vegetables

3) Stay focused and positive and stop working against myself!!!!!!! All of the obstacles I have let stop me are mainly products of my own making (well, except the whole knee thing...but). I am back in it mentally and physically now and I am ready to WIN in November!!!!!!!:D


So here was the first leg day back - my numbers aren't where they were, but not terrible :)

Squats 95x12, 135X10, 145X8, 155X6, 185X4 the 4 were too easy, we will up it next week.

Leg press 270X10, 360X10 X3 sets will go up next week in reps or weight :)

Leg Curl - seated - 90X12, 100X12 X 2 sets....really working on not recruiting the fornt hip flexors and keeping my toes up!

DB SLDL 45'sX10 (that seemed like a warm up :) ) , 60'sX10 X 2 sets

Superset: 4 sets each
Seated calf raise 70X10 /Standing calf rasies bodyweightX25
we were supposed to do 5 sets but by the 4th my feet cramped up and we decided 4 was good for the first time around :)

The workout goal each week is to either increase the weight or the reps on every exercise to earn a star and for every workout to be a '10 star' workout.

So off to a good start - feeling really good, really positive and ready to rumble!!!
