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wk 1 mon....WHOA!!!!!!

Posted on: 2007/09/17, 11:10 AM by: KC_72
So I checked out the routine yesterday...thought...this won't be so bad...I grabbed my daughters pink sparkely jump rope and my little pink 8 lb weights from the kids house this morning came home wrote out the routine and hit it...

MUCH tougher than I thought!!!!

warm up
20 jumping jacks
20 pogo hops
15 sumo squat jumps...admitedly I was already tired at this point
20 seconds skater slides
tried to run in a grapevine pattern...that needs some work

I did this entire work out outside...it was nice...
3 sets sprint 45 seconds
15 pushups(on knees...with the dog licking my face)

3 sets jump squats(OK...hops)15 reps
walking lunges 10 reps per side(my ass hurts so bad I may need a shot of morphine tomorrow)

Here I needed to get a little creative with only 8 lb db to work with..I did the best I could and took no rest in between
3 sets 15 reps
lyeing tricep ext
"bench press"...wasn't really

3 sets 15 reps per side
bicycle crunch
golf swing...this move needs some work too

3 sets 10 reps per side single legs squat
1 min jump rope
THIS was about the hardest...next to the lunges...
I give it up to you Ken...you do this for 15 min with a weighted rope...you are indeed....DA MAN
My roomate was cracking up..she said i looked drunk stumbeling all over and I kept stepping on the rope...WHOA that was rough

meal 1 eggs oats
meal 2 protien shake tangelo
meal 3 turkey asparagus white potatoe
meal 4 south beach diet frozen dnner...probably not enough calories...but they taste good
meal 5 protien shake

I know this won't be enough food...I need to figure a better plan as I get into this more..this will be my food for the next 3 days..its just me..and I dont mind eating the same thing all the time...so I'm keeping it simple
