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Wow this was really hard today
Posted on: 2007/05/01, 01:23 PM
Can taking one week off really make such a big difference? I thought I'd come back stronger with the extra recovery time. Instead, I come back and the rest of my group has passed me up on squats! They told me their starting weights from last Tuesday and thought they must have written them down wrong. Then I witnessed firsthand. And it took everything for me to equal what I did for my last squat workout. In fact, I failed on my third set and had to drop the weight to finish. I feel like such a wimp! Everybody was done and moving on to the lunges before I finished my last set...and I went first! What kind of leader am I turning out to be? I continued to lag behind until we got to jump squats, then I forged ahead, but the entire workout kicked my butt.
Squats: 15x105,12x115,2x125,6x120 (I pitched forward on the way up so was unable to finish),8x115
(I know I was trying to keep up with the Jones girls, but soon realized that was a bad idea.
Walking lunges: 3 sets 15x50 each (pure misery)
Jump squats: 3 sets of 15 -- these were a joy compared to the rest
Step ups: 3 sets, 12x50 each (evil, evil, evil!)
Took about 5 minutes to stretch.