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Joined: 2003/03/31 ![]() |
2003/04/11, 11:13 PM
Just curios cause i get sometimes these aching pain on my right testicle so i dunno. aye how does a lump look like? or cancer on balls look like?
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Joined: 2003/03/13 ![]() |
2003/04/12, 12:02 AM
sounds like this is a problem you should bring to your doctor right away. I don't think people can diagnose testicular cancer over the internet ;0
Get em checked out, better safe than sorry, and the sooner the better. |
Joined: 2001/12/27 ![]() |
2003/04/12, 12:18 AM
Dude, when it comes to those two, why would you even consider waiting on getting it looked at????-------------- Michael "Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!" |
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2003/04/12, 12:50 PM
I'll tell you..... Testicular cancer would give you a slightly large (1) testicle. It would eventually over a period of about 1-2 months get to be the size of a tennis ball.
You would be in discomfort from the thing hanging and would resort to support. The skin will look normal. Go see a dr in an emergency room immediately or contact your family dr. If you don't take care of it NOW and it is positive it will spread to other organs. And Like others said...this cannot be diagnosed over the internet, but I can tell you that I'm a survivor. -------------- We must become the change we want to see. Ivan Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2003/07/29 ![]() |
2003/07/30, 08:42 AM
Wow, i have the same problems and im only 15.
Im scared as fuck! Carican, did they cut your manbits?(you dont have to answer if its too personal.) |
Joined: 2002/12/23 ![]() |
2003/07/30, 11:00 PM
Are your testicles supposed to be the same size of each other? One of mine is slightly larger than the other.
Joined: 2003/09/30 ![]() |
2003/10/11, 12:02 AM
this is serious right here. umm what about things that kinda feel like thick veins . i guess they feel squshy and its only surrounding one testie. what is that .does anyone know? cuz i'v had it for a while. but it doesnt hurt or anything. it just looks un natural
Joined: 2003/10/31 ![]() |
2003/11/04, 10:28 PM
don't wait to find out here, go to a dr.
Joined: 2003/10/23 ![]() |
2003/11/14, 08:08 AM
Testicular cancer doesn't look like anything at first. Try to give yourself a testicular exam. the way you can tell if you should be seen is if you feel a very hard bump, it will feel like a marble when you push it. It will not be the whlo testicle either it will be just a part of it.
Joined: 2003/10/19 ![]() |
2003/11/14, 01:22 PM
ONE_MAN_BANDIUM...Its called your vas deferans...feels squishy then narrows off into a big tube(not a vein but feels like one). Hardly ever is it the same size on voth sides. For some men, they can't feel it on one but feel it on the other.(I was pre-med in college so I'm not bullshitting you) Nothing to worry about, but if you didn't have this, I would be worried. Keep on strokin'!!
============ Quoting from one_man_bandiam: this is serious right here. umm what about things that kinda feel like thick veins . i guess they feel squshy and its only surrounding one testie. what is that .does anyone know? cuz i'v had it for a while. but it doesnt hurt or anything. it just looks un natural ============= -------------- SHUT UP AND GROW!!! |
Joined: 2003/11/20 ![]() |
2003/11/20, 04:13 PM
so spots on my down below area is not testicular cancer? havent had any differences in the size of my testicles?
Joined: 2004/02/29 ![]() |
2004/02/29, 01:10 PM
hi guys i'm 16 and ive found a lump on my testicle its small and is a blue colour and i'm too scared to go to the doctors to get it checked out and too embarresed to ask my mum to book me a appointment for it. Also my GCSE's are coming up and i'm well stressed out to even think that i would have to have a operation before my exams, can anyone who has had testicular cancer tell me if its cancer or not, it doesnt hurt but there is a slight ache in it. HELP!!!!!!
Joined: 2002/01/20 ![]() |
2004/02/29, 01:29 PM
This board isn't really a substitute for the doctor. I strongly suggest you get it looked at by a dr,(give it some long thought) and re-read the above posts!!! You can live without a testicle, but it's harder to live without a urinary trac! GET CHECKED! -------------- \"A will finds a way\" Ivan carivan@freetrainers.com Montreal Canada |
Joined: 2003/09/19 ![]() |
2004/02/29, 05:43 PM
joz-Could be a cyst...I had this type of surgery a few months ago...I found a lump (it was on the outside though not attatched to anything) It turned out to be a cyst! Dont be scared trust me I was scared shitless but when I did it I was like pssshh! This is life! It makes you stronger over coming something like this it has me anyways! Remember longer you wait the worse it gets!
Just tell your mom or dad you dont feel good and want to go to the doctor then they call the doctor you go in and be like everything I tell you is confidential right? He will be like yes just between me and you! So then be like I found a lump I think! and he will be like ok where? You tell him he will look at it and diagnose it usually right their! I went in and had it checked and removed the same day!-GO FOR IT TIGER! |
Joined: 2004/02/29 ![]() |
2004/03/01, 10:54 AM
if it is testicular cancer how much is it to have a fake testicle put in and does it effect your sperm? and if it is a cyst do you still have to have your testicle removed? plus when you have it romoved do they put you under anisthetic or do they put you to sleep and does it hurt or leave a big scar? I'm not too sure myself if it is teticular cancer because i found the lump about 3 weeks ago and it hasnt got any bigger, how long did it take your lump to increase in size carivan?
2004/03/01, 11:02 AM
DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR-------------- Some times life is like herding cats. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/10/21 ![]() |
2004/03/01, 11:33 AM
rule of thumb......somthing gets bigger( abnormanlly) changes color or somthing constantly hurting(internal)
GO SEE A DOCTOR! Nothings embarrassing i had a cyst removed off my butt, doctors see this stuff all the time, actually theres nothing they Haven't seen lol......but all joking aside if somthings not right go to a doctor! I'll die over manything, but embarrasment won't be one of them. -------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records! ......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened ......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn |
Joined: 2003/04/11 ![]() |
2004/03/01, 12:05 PM
You are only scaring yourself more by guessing than by just going to the doc and finding out. All those what ifs may be unnecessary. And no one is better qualified to answer all of your questions than a doc.....now get going and let us know what he says. Good luck.-------------- ~Victoria~ ...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon ...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills |
Joined: 2004/02/26 ![]() |
2004/03/02, 04:21 PM
Are you suggesting that everyone has this? I'm very curious...I have this "tube" situation going on that you are talking about. I've had it since a teen and was told by Dr. that it is OK...just a "cosmetic" issue. It has grown over the years to become a sort of ball of veins...can it be removed!? Why does this happen and is there ANY harm at all!? ============ Quoting from jdelts: ONE_MAN_BANDIUM...Its called your vas deferans...feels squishy then narrows off into a big tube(not a vein but feels like one). Hardly ever is it the same size on voth sides. For some men, they can't feel it on one but feel it on the other.(I was pre-med in college so I'm not bullshitting you) Nothing to worry about, but if you didn't have this, I would be worried. Keep on strokin'!! ============= |
Joined: 2004/03/02 ![]() |
2004/03/09, 11:33 AM
all i can say to you all is go to the damn doctor, if it is somethingit will be sorted and if it isnt then it will be one hell of a weight off yuor shoulders. good luck.
and remember 90% of the time it is nothing. |
Joined: 2004/05/16 ![]() |
2004/05/16, 07:30 PM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Joined: 2004/05/16 ![]() |
2004/05/16, 07:35 PM
Joined: 2004/05/16 ![]() |
2004/05/16, 07:37 PM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Joined: 2003/10/19 ![]() |
2004/05/16, 10:57 PM
See a doctor then a child psychologist.
============ Quoting from RYAN11456: PLEEZE IM ME AT SILVERWOLF4162@AOL.COM WITH A REPLY ============= |
Joined: 2004/07/23 ![]() |
2004/07/23, 05:57 PM
im 14, on the outside of my right nutt, theres something soft. its not big, but when i put pressure on it, it hurts. what can it be
2004/07/23, 06:00 PM
DOCTOR DOCTOR DOCTOR ....did your ead this post?
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Joined: 2004/07/23 ![]() |
2004/07/23, 06:06 PM
does it seem bad to u
2004/07/23, 06:10 PM
uconn, nobody can tell on a website, but what you're describing sounds normal . Try not to worry. They get sore now and then and the spot sounds normal. Ask your parents about this.-------------- Foolish consistancies are the hobgoblins of small minds. Charlie | |
Joined: 2004/07/23 ![]() |
2004/07/23, 06:36 PM
thanks for the advice, ill tell my parents when they get back from their weekend trip
Joined: 2004/03/02 ![]() |
2004/07/24, 12:25 PM
what is that RYAN dude talking about, is he kidding?-------------- The curse of the poo foot!!! A.D.F. |
Joined: 2005/03/20 ![]() |
2005/03/28, 08:47 PM
About a month ago I found a lump on my testicle...went to the Dr and the Dr confirmed it and sent me for a sonogram and it was nothing other then scar tissue from my vasectomy. Go to the Dr there are ways for them to tell after the correct procedure is preformed. Age ranges for testicular cancer is 18-35 and is the number #1 cancer killer of men under 40 because it's rarely caught in time. It's important to do a self exam periodically and if anything is suspecious or abnormal then just get in to see the Dr.
Joined: 2005/05/05 ![]() |
2005/05/06, 04:22 PM
bit late there sstump
Joined: 2005/04/06 ![]() |
2005/05/06, 04:37 PM
wow another post brought back from the dead.....
so does anyone think fiveseven61 ended up going to the doctor or having cancer since he asked this 2 years ago? :) -------------- :Hard work equals great results!: |
Joined: 2005/03/20 ![]() |
2005/05/06, 04:39 PM
lol Don't have a clue...and yes I was a little late. But with fitbuddy it doesn't really matter...anyone can cruise around and look at old post all day. So maybe someone will read this and it'll help them out regardless. febreze did! :big_smile:
Joined: 2005/05/05 ![]() |
2005/05/07, 03:49 PM
Joined: 2005/08/27 ![]() |
2005/08/27, 05:43 AM
hey im new to this forums thingy, and about a week ago, my left testie started hurtin, and i thought it was nuthing, then 1 night, it went away, then the pain came bak later that day, and i been havein a lil pain sience that day abour a week ago, i was wonder if u guys would know wut else to go besides talk to a doctor? there are no lumps or anything
Joined: 2005/04/23 ![]() |
2006/01/16, 11:58 AM
For those who talked about having big veins on one testicle or jsut having a group of veins , it is called varicoceles and its not something that you would have to worry about immediatly however it does cause exesive heat in the area because they r clogged veins, this might create a sperm problem but once the veins are removed itll b fine, unless ure looking to procreate any time soon then the veins are no risk hwoever u should go to a doctor to make sure it is varicoceles. I have varicoceles but the doctor said the surgery could wait till whenever i felt comftrable.
----------------------------------- this is serious right here. umm what about things that kinda feel like thick veins . i guess they feel squshy and its only surrounding one testie. what is that .does anyone know? cuz i'v had it for a while. but it doesnt hurt or anything. it just looks un natural |
Joined: 2006/03/29 ![]() |
2006/04/25, 11:10 PM
dude. why r we talking about balls. jus go get it checked out. dont be embarrassed. nothings too embarrassing when it comes to ur boys.
Joined: 2007/04/21 ![]() |
2007/04/21, 04:46 PM
i woke up this morning feeling disconfort in my left testicule..i first thought it s maybe because i slept in a wrong position..during the day i was feeling the same disconfort..i felt it with the fingers its bigger than the right one but a little...i wanna know if there could e something wrong with it and especially it suddenly felt disconfort and yesterday i didnt have aby pain..
Joined: 2007/04/21 ![]() |
2007/04/21, 04:46 PM
i woke up this morning feeling disconfort in my left testicule..i first thought it s maybe because i slept in a wrong position..during the day i was feeling the same disconfort..i felt it with the fingers its bigger than the right one but a little...i wanna know if there could e something wrong with it and especially it suddenly felt disconfort and yesterday i didnt have aby pain..
Joined: 2007/04/21 ![]() |
2007/04/21, 04:52 PM
i woke up this morning feeling disconfort in my left testicule..i first thought it s maybe because i slept in a wrong position..during the day i was feeling the same disconfort..i felt it with the fingers its bigger than the right one but a little...i wanna know if there could e something wrong with it and especially it suddenly felt disconfort and yesterday i didnt have aby pain..
Joined: 2008/01/06 ![]() |
2008/01/06, 09:53 PM
i am 15 i have a lump also but nothing hurts and i am always either getting hit in the nuts or alwaysend up hurting myself in that area somehow. ive been looking into it and one reason for lumps could be injury which i am really hoping it is but does anyone else have the same?
Joined: 2007/12/09 ![]() |
2008/06/01, 03:29 PM
Ok! From first hand experience. I first noticed something was wrong when there was a lump about 1/2 the size of a marble. I had the choice of leaving it, or as I was strongly advised to have the cancer cut out. Hence, I did. I only had 3 stages of chemo. And just for those who are interseted, I did'nt loose any hair, and very rearly felt ill. And, yes, 'he' does still perform. Just as good as 'he' did before! lol If anyone has any more questions. Please don't hesitate to contact me! Robertt.
Joined: 2008/11/11 ![]() |
2008/11/11, 01:53 AM
hey im 17 and not sure if i have a lump its very small no size change or color change HELP please!!! also my grandmother had overian cancer could that hereditory traite of cancer transfer to me me but for testiculer
Joined: 2009/04/16 ![]() |
2009/04/16, 03:07 AM
hey i've noticed a very small bump/lump i dont even know wut to call it, its on the back of my testicle. im hoping im just being paranoid but i was wondering wut testicular cancer normally feels like.
Joined: 2010/01/31 ![]() |
2010/01/31, 11:09 PM
i have a lump that is like, on my vas deferens sort of... like not on either of my testicles but on where i guess the vas deferens is.
Joined: 2010/05/16 ![]() |
2010/05/16, 08:42 PM
Hi, ive had a lump on my right testicle for about 1-2years now ive been to the doctors 3 times and they've said nothing to be worried about the 3rd time he said he couldnt feel anything but its still there and i sometime get a slight pain in my stomach but very rarely is it anything to worrie about? just to put my mind at rest. thanks alot x
Joined: 2010/08/26 ![]() |
2010/08/27, 05:41 AM
Hey guys i may be a little too late but i can offer a bit of advice as this is the Speciality in which i am studying at the moment.
There are many symptoms to testicular cancer these include a lump in one testicle, pain or acheing in one or both testicles blood in seman and sometimes even discharge and or puss. Some of these symptoms can also be symptoms of a STI /STD So it will be better for you to go get checked out anyway visit your nearest GUM clinic its confidential no one needs to know and you will get good treatment. With regards to a comment earlyer there can sometimes be lumps in the scrotum that is there one minute and then gone the next these lumps are usually floating veins, gristle, and sometime even cystic masses containing dead sperm. These are usually nothing to worry about but still get them checked out by you GP or as said before local GUM Clinic. Hope this help Regards Damo |
Joined: 2011/07/13 ![]() |
2011/07/13, 02:01 AM
Ok so I have a group of small lumps no bigger than a BB on my right testi. No pain at all, or swelling. I have had an ultrasound about a year ago, and they didnt seem to have any concern; they said it was scar tissue.(explain)~When I was about 9 years old I my right testi was undecended ,so right there it put me in a higher risk of testicular cancer. And im in
the age group that has the highest risk. Anyways when I had the ultra sound it definatley eased my own concern alot but what if they overlooked it? Should I get a second look? Jul 13, 2011 - 01:48:25 options: No Profile - send Instant Message - |