Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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Arm Help!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2003/04/13
United States
2003/04/13, 07:36 AM
I am a female in need advice on how to shape up my arms fast, defining muscles but mostly burning extra fat without bulking. Is it better to use lower weight, do more reps? or to use more weight and do less reps? Any advice welcomed...
Posts: 165
Joined: 2003/03/10
United States
2003/04/13, 09:36 AM
Firstly, Charlie you aren't going to "bulk up" (unless you're hardcore about bodybuilding, it's just not possible for women to BULK without loads of effort.) Depending upon how much bodyfat you have right now, your arms & upper body is usually the first places that shows signs of toning/definition. Only work one bodypart per week and really train them to the point of failure.

Do a warm up set of 12 reps (prior to your "real sets") with a light weight for whichever part you're training that day (bi's, tri's, shoulders,etc., then go heavy with lower reps afterwards. When I say "heavy" I mean pick a weight which you can only do 8 reps to failure, then next set 6 reps with higher weight, then final set even higher weight for 4 reps.

You only get ONE body, take care of it and it'll take care of YOU!