2003/05/05, 08:28 PM
I'm new to the site, so I tought I'd introduce myself. Currently 6' and 170 lbs, at 14% BF. Working on lean muscle mass gains. I'm doing a diet called "Massive Eating" by John Berardi, some of you might have read his work at another training website. Its 30/40/30 (c/p/f) and I'm consuming about 3600 calories a day.
The recommended program here is decent, although I'll probably change it up a bit. Free-weight squat instead of machine, deadlift instead of hyperextension, etc. I'm always open to advice.
2003/05/05, 11:24 PM
Welcome to FT, I love this site, it is so informative and the people here are great, good luck with your fitness goals and your program. I don't know anything about the book you mention, but I think I will check it out, If it has to do with fitness, I am always interested in new ideals and ways to do things.
-------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!!
2003/05/06, 11:23 AM
Welcome. Good luck in reaching your goals.
2003/05/06, 07:18 PM
sandy - just check out his website: www.johnberardi.com
Lots of very scientific info on training and nutrition. :thumbup:
2003/05/07, 12:29 AM
thank you, I will do that!!!
-------------- I will lift my own weight someday!!!!!
2003/05/07, 10:28 AM
welcome to freetrainers rossi46, good luck!
-------------- Bettia.... The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
2003/05/07, 01:39 PM
welcome to freetrainers, hope it helps with your fintness goals!!!
2003/05/07, 01:39 PM
welcome to freetrainers, hope it helps with your fintness goals!!!
-------------- ---Kev---
Focus and Lift!!