Group: Women's Club

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Anyone with PCOS???????

Posts: 6
Joined: 2003/07/17
United States
2003/07/19, 01:42 PM
I was diagnosed 2 years ago and I tried the atkins plan for it but after about 6 months on the diet I began having trouble with my digrestion...Right not I am trying to eat less fat and also whole grains with out eating to many carbs anyone have a suggestion?
Posts: 15
Joined: 2003/07/06
United States
2003/07/20, 12:33 AM
My wife was diagnosed with PCOS about two years ago, and gained a lot of weight. She is now pregnant with our first child, and is starting to lose weight, not too much, but a significant amount. The only thing that she has managed to do is to cut out a lot of bad foods, like breads and sweets. She has lost about 12 pounds in three months. The pregnancy has made some of her favorite foods make her completely gag. I am not advising to get pregnant. I am advising to eat a moderate amount of meats, and eat more fruits and vegetables. I am not a nutritionist, so you don't have to take my advice to heart. It is just a suggestion.
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United States
2003/07/20, 02:33 PM
Thanks a lot for your adivce and congragulations about the new addition on it's way.
Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/06/15
United States
2003/07/20, 10:25 PM
I'm thin and may have a sub-clinical version of PCOS, meaning no endo with dx me because I apparently ovulate regularly and have very normal hormone levels but I have excess hair and oilier skin.

Have you tried posting at Someone there may have had the same experience as you. is a group that controls symptoms via diet, exercise, and herbs/supplements.

Have you read the Schwartzbein principle? The author has PCOS herself and I hear (haven't read it yet) she talks about how your body will adapt and become less insulin resistant with weight loss and exercise and when that happens a diet that is very low in carbs like atkins may not be the best for you. It sounds really interesting because your insulin resistance doesn't stay the same so it makes sense that your diet should adjust too. HTH.

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Joined: 2003/01/27
United States
2003/07/21, 01:12 PM
I too have pcos and I am thin with excess hair. I have learned to exercise and regulate my diet based on portions and also the ratio of carbs-protein-fats. I have to manage my weight because I can put it on just as easily as anyone but I am faithful about my exercise plan. Try reading as much as you can about pcos and go on the website, it is very helpful.
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Joined: 2006/09/30
2006/09/30, 02:05 PM
I have been diagnosed with PCOS this year and I bought a GREAT book that describes everything about it and WHY (which was really important to me). It also has a food plan with recipes. The author is Colette Harris (with Theresa Cheung). Title: PCOS Diet Book. It's an excellent resource! I bought it on-line at
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Joined: 2007/01/23
United Kingdom
2007/01/24, 07:06 PM
I too got diagnosed with PCOS last year... I kept putting on weight from it.. but trying my best to get rid of it now!! it's simply a lifestyle change u have to make, i lost a stone and then put it back on.. got lazy again! goodluck though!
Posts: 6
Joined: 2007/03/10
United States
2007/03/25, 12:20 PM
I have PCOS as well, was diagnosed almost 2 yrs ago. Since then I've been taking spiro and birth control. The spiro has helped hair regrowth. The weight has remained pretty steady unfortunately, and recently joined this site in hopes of losing something. My roommate and I both decided it's time to work on eating healthier and getting into shape. She recently bought an ab lounger, which I work out on 5 nights a week, and we do taebo together 3 times a week. I also walk a little bit each day. According to my diet plan on here, I'm eating several less calories than the recommendation (now at least..not sure how I was doing before I started working on cutting back), several less carbs...The problem that I still tend to have is with the fats category. I don't go extremely over, but just enough to where I definitely need to cut back. I also take a multi-vitamin every morning (women's one-a-day) and get my water intake in there. Haven't noticed any difference on the scale yet though.
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Joined: 2007/04/10
United States
2007/04/10, 03:32 PM
The only thing I can add to this post is to do your research and try This is where you can track all of your percentages and calories. Drink your water and keep taking vitamins.

Also, make sure that your depression doesn't get you down. I have been diagnosed with PCOS for over eight years and I am still trying to find what works for me, but what I do know its that I can be a source of encouragement to you.
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Joined: 2007/06/10
United States
2007/06/10, 01:26 PM
I thought, since I was new here I would bring this topic back to the top. I was Diagnosed with PCOS about 5 yrs ago. I have since lost approx 60 lbs. What I learned about myself:

1. I AM a Carbo-holic/under eater and I lost my weight following a low carb diet (NOT Atkins!!)

2. I talk with my Dr....I see her often at work since i work at a hospital. Due to fluctuations in my glucose levels, secondary to PCOS, I was placed on Glucophage.

3. I have kept my wieght off for 3 yrs.

4. I have plateaued at that last 10 lbs and I too am frustrated with that!

Hope this helps and gives others hope. The one thing I always tell people who ask how I did it is I tell them to evaluate what TYPE of eater they are.
* Carb Lover
* Meat/High Fat Lover
* Over Eater
* Under eater
* Over all poor eater.

I suggest they keep a log of all the foods they normally eat, for a week. If they need help understanding what they are doig wrong, then I offer assistance, otherwise refer them to a nutritionist or their Dr. Due to my own success, I have inspired a number of others to succeed, here at work.
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Joined: 2007/12/28
United States
2008/01/11, 05:51 PM
I have PCOS! 6 years sence i found out and the only thing i have managed to do is keep from gaining anymore wieght.
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Joined: 2008/02/06
United Kingdom
2008/02/06, 12:50 PM
I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 years ago. I used that as an excuse to let my weight get out of hand (have gained about 50 lbs), but no more! I'm trying really hard to moderate my diet and to excersise- hard! I'm going to shift this weight if I have to run 10 miles a day! :angry:
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Joined: 2008/06/16
United States
2008/06/16, 02:24 PM
I have PCOS and it's been a difficult road. I've never tried Atkins but I have tried SouthBeach and Jenny Craig.
I lost weight with Atkins - about 20 pounds - but stopped it after a month and returned to my normal eating habits so of course the weight came back. Jenny worked also but I stopped because I couldn't afford it once I was no longer working.
For me, the most successful results have come from not only changing my diet but from exercising. The exercising helps to control the mood swings, reduces my symptoms, and makes me feel better. I have quite a bit of weight to lose but I'm determined.
I'm made some changes dietwise so far. Changed Cream of Wheat/Malt O Meal to Steel cut oats. Added in flax seed (sprinkle on your food or you can take the oil if you can tolerate it). Drinking much more water and avoiding sodas (even diet). If I need a sweet fix - I go for tea. Yeah, it has caffeine but I'm working on weaning myself off the caffeine addiction.
Keeping all sweets out of the house. Or at least sweets that I like - chocolate and chocolate products! :)
Snacking on fresh fruits and veggies.
It's a start and I'm only at the beginning. I won't go cold turkey on everything because I know I won't stick to it but I believe that by committing to a solid exercise program and slowly making diet changes, I will be successful. I wish you all the best. It's a tough road with this disease but we have support and we can do it.:)
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Joined: 2008/07/27
United States
2008/07/27, 05:35 PM
I was diagnosed in July 2002 and was put on meds. I went from somewhere near 400 pds down to about 230 pds in January of 2003. All I did was worked out a half hour a day every day and did strength traing 3 times a week. I of course watched everything I ate. It is possible to get small
Posts: 4
Joined: 2008/07/27
United States
2008/07/27, 05:37 PM
I was diagnosed in July 2002 and was put on meds. I went from somewhere near 400 pds down to about 230 pds in January of 2003. All I did was worked out a half hour a day every day and did strength traing 3 times a week. I of course watched everything I ate. It is possible to get small