Group: Women's Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 528, Messages: 10844

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i really need to lose it FAST!!!

Posts: 4
Joined: 2003/09/09
2003/09/09, 11:37 PM
hey there everyone!
im new here, and instead of introducing myself in the proper area, i thought id get ahead of myself and just start dishing out those juicy questions!!!
my names sarah, i live in australia, im 17 and deperate to lose weight. ive tried a few times, but i end up starving myself then binjing BIG TIME! other times i exercise alot then come straight home and eat chips! i know i have the worst habbits and im not about to spend money on some crappy product or anything without knowing some facts.
i really want to lose my weight as fast as possible, and i know its supposed to be a steady process but im all keen to get rid of it now! (not in the next 5 seconds or anything.....although that would be nice!)
because i dont really have the ultimate power in my house when it comes to buying certain foods, i always end up eating what we have. i try and keep it to just fruits, but i cant really live off them! i hear there are some fruits with natural carbohydrates and things like that, and i was wondering if anyone knows some real simple foods which will help the weight loss process. im in year 12 aswell so its hard to fit in alot of exercise, and the other half is just plain laziness. so if anyone has any food or exercise tips, or any other nid bits id be happy to hear them!!! ^_^
Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/18
2003/09/10, 10:01 AM
Hey Materia_gurl,

I wish there was a fast, inexpensive, one pill poppin' way to get rid of fat fast that doesn't seriously affect your health but there's not. I have a 15 year old daughter that was overweight and with a teenager it's hard to put them on a strict diet, so we just started making small changes to her diet. Once a month she changed a bad eating habit into a good one. She started drinking diet pop instead of regular pop one month, the next took cheese off her hamburger, after that no more fries. This is an easy way to change your eating habits without sacrificing everything at once and by the end of the year you've changed 12 things about your diet which all adds up in the long run. We also started to get a little active. Gym twice a week. Nice and easy full body work out. She lost 20lbs in 6 months doing this.

My suggestion is do small changes to your diet and start a workout plan. You can have a home workout that works just as well as one in the gym. No need for weights. All you need is a little effort.

Posts: 17
Joined: 2003/08/18
2003/09/10, 10:01 AM
Message deleted by moderator due to unsuitable content for this board.
Posts: 4,078
Joined: 2001/10/19
2003/09/11, 02:43 AM
(Roberta I deleted your message since it was double!)

It took us quite a long time to put on weight (we just don't realize it) so it'll take us as long to take off the weight....... (but THAT we DO realize!)
You just have to know that it's YOUR body and life. Set some goals, know what you want and put down a strategy to get there.
Of course fat loss is about diet and training but really to be able to succeed comes from the head and mind....
Hi Materia, don't ask us what you should do (because you know it very well) but tell us now HOW you want to do it and what goals you'll set for yourself (and then we'll help you all we can! ;o)

- Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur.
Posts: 18
Joined: 2003/10/08
United States
2003/10/08, 04:21 PM
ok first of all banish ALL sodas (even diet ones)---if u drink water ONLY --u can probably take off a good 5 or more pounds in the first 2 WEEKS!!!then u MUST do about 45 min of cardio a day--there goes A LOT more pounds--so walk around or ride a bike everyday for a good 45-hour! there are two secrets to losing it fast!