Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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Training Logs

Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2003/10/27, 02:46 PM
How many of you keep track of your workouts? Here are some reasons why you should:
1. Track your progress
2. Shows what works/what doesn't work
3. Motivation (when you see it on paper that you are getting better it is a good pick-me up)
4. Helps one remember how much weight was used the previous workouts.
5. Detailed notes helps one to adjust weights accordingly for the next workout.
6. It is fun to look back over several years of training to see where you came from. I have every training log for the last 15 years. Great stuff!
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2003/10/27, 03:01 PM
I also use my training log to design each of my upcoming training cycles. My longterm plan is always right there for me to glance at.
Posts: 3,081
Joined: 2001/12/27
United States
2003/10/27, 06:43 PM
My training/diet logs are still bibles to me. It is amazing that something so simple can be so effective; but convincing the newbies about how good they are can be a fun job!


Trample the weak; hurdle the dead!
Chaos, Panic, Disorder.... Yes, my work here is done!
Posts: 11,105
Joined: 2001/06/30
United States
2003/10/28, 12:26 AM
I can't imagine not keeping one. I have stacks of them, along with diet logs which are equally as important if you are bodybuilding.

Great people never want it easier, they just want to be better!
2003/10/28, 01:06 PM
I have them and soon will need to computerize them. My wife and I are record keeping psychos. Sometimes there aint enough storage for all the paper. Wanna see our 1983 tax returns?? Got em. I know we don't need them but we are packrats times 10.

An seasoned traveler does not need a tour guide.
