Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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Weight and reps input into daily workout

Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/10/30
United States
2003/10/31, 12:39 PM
Most of the sets let you put in your own data for what weight you use and how many actual reps you completed. A couple of the exercises, lateral raises for example, already have weight and actual reps entered. The actual reps actually vary from the target number of reps suggested. Why is this?
Also, as a beginner, and approaching my first day of training some of the weights for lateral raises seem pretty high. 80lbs? I assume this is per arm. I haven't tried yet, but it seems rather heavy. And if I can't complete the number of target reps, the data is pre-entered into my routine. Seems strange to me.
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2003/10/31, 03:46 PM
I think this is a glitch. There should not be any pre-entered information. Please contact George or Adrian directly by FT e-mail.

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Posts: 11
Joined: 2003/10/30
United States
2003/11/03, 01:48 PM
It seems it was just a glitch. I went to change my workout setup, really leaving it the same and when it saved it this time everything was correct. No more filled in weights or reps.