2003/11/11, 10:49 PM
I'm new here and hopefully this will be my last diet plan. I need some suggestions on exercises that will help me lose my excess tummy and rear end. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
2003/11/11, 11:02 PM
Unfortunately you can't spot reduce in any area. You can, however, lose the extra fat all over through eating right and, its a BIG and, exercise. You have taken a step in the right direction. There are tons of good information here at ft. Search the message boards and you should have plenty of advice to get you started. Concentrate on lowering your body fat through diet and building your muscles through exercise. Each of these areas will compliment the other. Good Luck
2003/11/12, 12:15 PM
Hi davesgirl,
You really have made the first step into a new life style. I have been fighting a weight problem all my life too. I know it's hard but I lost 75 pounds but it took me 2 years. That was 5 years ago and have still kept it off. I know you too can do what you have set your goals to be. Just remember don't kick yourself around when you mess up. It's ok to mess up. Just remember you are worth alot and you can do it! Good luck Hun
Paula Lewis
2003/11/12, 12:58 PM
Welcome to FT.com. I like you have only just started this program and I feel as excited about it as you. Firstly if you haven’t done it already fill in your personal profile so the site can help you to do its thing by telling you what to do & when to do it.
Secondly, and this may sound odd but it will help you in times of need. Take a picture of yourself before you start on Monday. Then when you are feeling a little low or are feeling like you are getting nowhere, take a look and see for yourself. You could also take a tape measure on your waist, arms and all other places to check for yourself how many inches you have lost. However don’t check daily. Maximum do it weekly, for best results once a month is best.
Although this program is new to me, I have done other programs that got me to where I am now and these are some of the principles I still use. YEP even for a guy! :o)
-------------- All the best