Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

Discuss the topic of Power lifting, Strength training and Strong Man training!

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Howdy, can anyone help me reach my goals

Posts: 361
Joined: 2001/10/24
United States
2003/11/23, 10:16 PM
how's it going I'm 17, i just finished playing football and many many moons of training, I'm pretty good sized 6'3'', 220 lbs. but some of that is fat, more than i would like, I can do a huge number of ab exercises in one sitting and in the past couple weeks since football season ended i have just being doing power lifting, eating properly, and working on my abs, and running.
Does anyone know how long it takes a develop a well defined body and six pack abs. Does anyone know of a workout to do so, I would also like to remove the uncessary fat on my body in order to run faster.
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2003/11/23, 11:17 PM
well 1st and for most u have to eat right{( whats your diet like???)}....90% of people who work out don't eat very well so it not what ur doing to your body but what your putting into it.....need to do lots of running and cardio for the fat to go away ....i'd say around maybe 60% od your max heart rate...i might be wrong though don't take my word for it lol............and reamember it takes years and years to devolope a well defined body....most body builders are in there mid 20s to 30 b4 they start competing but don't start winning tell they r in there late 30's...........just reamember the arc wasn't built in a day

---andrew.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!