2003/11/30, 03:09 AM
Hi, i was wondering.. after a hard workout, ur supposed to take creatin, glutamine and protein right? well, does it matter when and what order I would take it? ur supposed to take em all immediately after a workout, but doesn't taking protein along w/ creatin slow down the absorption rate of both? any help and suggestions would really be helplful. Thanks alot
2003/11/30, 03:11 AM
Oh, and since I use ON's whey protein, it has 3.5 grams of Glutamine per serving.. should I still supplement w/ glutamine or does the protein shake provide enough? again, thanx alot!
2003/11/30, 11:26 AM
Depends if you are trying to gain or not. If so, then you probably don't need extra glutamine. If dieting, extra glutamine could be well worth your while.
Protein with creatine will not slow down digestion. You will want some simple carbs/sugars to speed up digestin, shut off cortisol with insulin, and enhance uptatake post training. Make sure you take your creatine right away after mixing, as it is not stable in a fluid and will degrade rapidly into a waste product non useable by the body, creatinine.
-------------- If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything....
2003/11/30, 02:29 PM
Wow thanx alot bb1! you rock =)