Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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New and wondering

Posts: 1
Joined: 2003/12/12
2003/12/14, 02:44 PM

How r ya all?
I was searching the page a bit to check out different programs, realizing that I am actually not sure what the hell I should choose...gaining muscle...uhhhh yeahhh - or wait maybe not....hmmm, how about becoming lean - yeah sounds cool but people tell me I am looking as I would be starving. By the way how is that possible? I mean I was weighting myself today - 59kg, I think that's perfect, since I am only 1,69m in height ...maybe I should even loose weight...maybe not. about the staying fit option...veeeeery boring. But I have to do something...right?
Well I ended up creating myself two different profiles here. But I guess this isn't the way it's supposed to work.
So what do you think about choosing the muscle gaining thing...Muscle MAASSSSS...could work...I guess...
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2003/12/14, 03:00 PM
Welcome to freetrainers. One has many choices to train with.
It really depends on what your goal is to decide which is right for you.
Please fill out your profile so we can help you more.

"A will finds a way"
Ivan Montreal Canada
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2003/12/15, 11:40 AM
Sounds like you're already somewhat lean. Therefore, an FT mass program may be the right one for you.

Whatever program you choose, I'm sure you will benefit. Good luck!

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