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Joined: 2003/09/29 |
2003/12/19, 11:45 AM
My wife currently takes a hormone replacement called; Premrim?? 1.25mg a day....I was wondering if there is a natural vitamin/mineral that could be substituted. She has been weighing the pros and cons of taking Premrim, and so far the cons apparently out weigh the pros in her mind. She has not taken anything for the last 4 weeks, and I would like to see her either start back up on it, or replace it with something natural... Help!!!! NICE MEAN NICE MEAN NICE MEAN....HELP PLEASE!!! |
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Joined: 2001/10/19 |
2003/12/20, 02:24 AM
Now please tell us why she needs to take a hormone replacement?-------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. |
Joined: 2001/06/30 |
2003/12/21, 02:17 PM
You are right to be very concerned about Premarin. Check out this website for a natural and easy alternative. Hope it helps.
============ Quoting from fryer91: Help! My wife currently takes a hormone replacement called; Premrim?? 1.25mg a day....I was wondering if there is a natural vitamin/mineral that could be substituted. She has been weighing the pros and cons of taking Premrim, and so far the cons apparently out weigh the pros in her mind. She has not taken anything for the last 4 weeks, and I would like to see her either start back up on it, or replace it with something natural... Help!!!! NICE MEAN NICE MEAN NICE MEAN....HELP PLEASE!!! ============= -------------- If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.... |
Joined: 2003/09/29 |
2003/12/22, 08:55 AM
Total Hysterectomy at the age of 29 due to cancerist cells(cyst)...She has been taking Premarin for a little over 7 years now...
Joined: 2001/12/13 |
2003/12/22, 11:45 AM
It's also not a good idea to get off of Premarin cold turkey because of a rebound in menopausal symptoms. She'll need to get off of it gradually, begin to include more soy foods in her diet, ground flax seeds, and women's herbs such as black cohosh, so that her body is getting safe hormonal support. -------------- **_Robert_** Pain is temporary; glory is forever! |
2003/12/22, 12:07 PM
My wife went down that road and Roberts advice was the solution that she found. There is a websight called revivalsoy.com. The doctor whose book she read is an affiliate of the company. I'll get the name of the book and email it to you. After reading this book, Elaine went to both her internist and ob-gyn Drs and the three of them decided this was the best road to take. Mike it will be after Christmas but I'll get you the name of the book. -------------- Living well is the best revenge. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/09/29 |
2003/12/22, 12:23 PM
Thanks for the info..She is going on 5 weeks without taking the Premarin...Life has been interesting, YES, NO, HOT, COLD, ACHY, NO, NO, NO ,Grrrrrrrrrrr...She will not take them! I will anxiuosly wait for the title of the book, and continue to push my wife to take the dang things until we can find a different solution....
Thanks again... |
Joined: 2002/01/09 |
2003/12/22, 02:43 PM
Hey charlie - since the guys are monopolizing this thread - how about posting the book title rather than email it. A lot of us old farts have wives in the same situation. :)
2003/12/22, 03:11 PM
I asked my wife the name of the book and typed it in the email to fryer. Hey fryer post the name of the book. you can post the email but maybe leave out any embarrassing stuff I sent you.
Mikencharleston, If fryer doesn't see this I'll post it when I get home. -------------- Living well is the best revenge. Charlie | |
Joined: 2001/12/13 |
2003/12/22, 04:46 PM
You can also look at the following website: www.drnorthrup.com - Christiane Northrup is an expert. She wrote "The Wisdom of Menopause" and "Women's Bodies." -------------- **_Robert_** Pain is temporary; glory is forever! |
2003/12/22, 08:10 PM
Thats the book-------------- Living well is the best revenge. Charlie | |
Joined: 2002/01/09 |
2003/12/23, 08:51 AM
Thanks everyone - that site is impressive and might be what we've been looking for. We've been on this hormone roller coaster for a couple of years now and haven't been able to find a happy medium.
Joined: 2003/09/29 |
2003/12/23, 05:22 PM
Thanks everybody!
Geez, I was on the wrong board...Should have posted it on the male discussions... Now to get the wife to say ok...I will just keep asking, cause the answers as of late have been; no no yes yes no no yes yes!! |
Joined: 2003/05/13 |
2003/12/24, 11:22 AM
Sorry I don't believe in "natural remedies". For years I tried everything and they have never never worked even a bit for me. Not to mentions thousands of dollars down the drain which insurance does not cover. I went on the Premarin and it was like magic. I felt like a human being again. It did make me gain weight though but that was the tradeoff I could accept considering how I was feeling. I don't care if it shortened my life ten years. I would rather live a shortened life feeling like this than a long miserable life feeling like I was feeling before. It is an individual decision and do a lot of reading before deciding. Try all the remedies . They might work for your wife. Without hormones you dry up from the inside out. I worked in medicine for 30 years and saw many females after menopause who did not take hormones and a big difference in those who did take them. The vagina looks and feels completely different along with other things if I may be so graphic. Look at people pix in your grandmothers day. MOst of them looked like crones. They had no choice but the natural. A big difference to the aging women today.
2003/12/25, 07:52 PM
rickyshot, the suggestions in the book have worked very well for my wife. The diet and exercise combo seems to have worked wonders. I have a hard time getting her to post but I'll try again. -------------- Living well is the best revenge. Charlie | |
Joined: 2003/10/07 |
2003/12/26, 12:12 PM
Hi Mike. I'm Elaine, Charlie's wife, and I'll share my personal experience with you. I read Dr. Northrup's "The Wisdom of Menopause" after my ob/gyn prescribed birth control pills to regulate my menstruation. I'm nearly 50 with no menopausal symptons except no periods for six months and some emotional ups and downs. (Prelude, I was never a believer in dietary supplements.) Anyway, after reading the book I elected to try a natural solution rather than birth control pills because there is a heavy history of cancer in my family. I now take vitamin supplements, calcium and two protein supplements a day. I use Revial Soy recommended by Dr. Northrup and a post workout whey supplement plus I started lifting about four months ago also recommended by Dr. Northrup. After three months on the supplement, my menstrual cycle resumed and has continued for the last three months. I also seem to have more energy and emotional stability, but that may be the result of a regular exercise program. Also, a three month resumption of my cycle may be premature in assuming that the diet and exercise changes have worked, but I know I feel better than before.
I cannot argue with Rickyshot, however, because everyone's body is different. It is possible that there are physiological reasons to take the hormones. Perhaps her body cannot produce certain necessary hormones, and hrt is the only way to get those hormones. Your wife and her doctor should discuss the options. My Internist is pleased with my progress and said his wife is following a similar program with good results. I hope this information helps. I know the book will give your wife some things to think about and to try -- maybe in addition to the hrt. Let us know how she's doing. I'd love to swap stories with her if she feels inclined. These health issues require difficult decisions that may have long term effects and there is so much conficting information. Good luck to you both. Elaine |
Joined: 2003/09/29 |
2003/12/26, 02:32 PM
Hi Elaine,
Thanks for sharing your story; there are a lot of similarities, but my wife’s situation is/was a little different. I guess I should share our story so that you might be able to understand us, and her situation. We met up in ’87; took four years to find out the good and bad about each other. Married in ’91! We both knew that we wanted children, and we also knew our chances were slim; she had 3 operations between the age of 16-21 to remove cyst(s) on her ovaries. At the age of 21, one ovary was removed, and the other re-constructed, leaving a quarter of an ovary…1992 we started trying diligently to get her pregnant, first we had to get her regular with the ole birth control pills, then went off the pills, and did the whole temperature thing every morning from 1992-1993…Hmmm, a good 7 months and no luck what so ever…I was tested to see if my count was ok; YIPPEE! No problem there! The middle of 1993 the OB-GYN decided to do some kind of DYE test, this was to check to make sure the pathway for the ovary was good. There was blockage! The Doctor had to go in and remove what was another cyst, and scar tissue from previous surgeries (pre-cancerous cells were found). The pathway is now open, and the doctor was giving us until the spring of ’94 to have a child; if we didn’t get pregnant, he would have to perform a total hysterectomy because of the presence of pre-cancerous cells, and other problems. So, 1993 through mid 1994, temperature everyday, pills to help produce eggs, weekly visits to the doc, charts charts charts; we had no luck what so ever!! The doctor scheduled a total hysterectomy for June 1994. We cancelled the surgery because we needed to get away from all this stuff, do some thinking, and just spend time together facing some facts. We vacationed to the East coast, and Southeast for a month! Hysterectomy was scheduled for the end of August 1994… My wife’s periods were never regular, but we did notice that she hadn’t had one for a couple of months. We decided to have a pregnancy test done, and much to our surprise; she was pregnant… We had a healthy boy March 21, 1995!!!! The doctor gave us one more year to have another, we had no luck, and with cancer now present, she HAD to have the hysterectomy April 1996!!! She had the hysterectomy at the age of 29, and has been on Premarin for 7-1/2 years now. She feels as though the cons outweigh the pros taking Premarin; so, she wants to discontinue taking them, and try to handle this difficult stuff in a more natural way. She has agreed to talk with her OB-GYN, pick up the book at Barnes & Noble, and continue to take Premarin until things are researched more. Thanks to all of you for your input, and thanks again Elaine, for sharing yourself. Peace, Mike |
Joined: 2003/10/07 |
2003/12/27, 01:04 PM
Mike, it sounds like you guys have been through a ringer. I guess nobody said life would be easy, but you were blessed with your son at least. So many who go through those efforts to get pregnant are never successful.
I have been frustrated with doctors myself because so little research has been done in some of the areas of female health. And the treatments of today won't be the treatments of tomorrow. Because of your wife's hysterectomy, there may be some need for hormone replacement therapy, but only a doc can address that. However, my mother had a hysterectomy at 35 (1955) because of cancer and has never taken hormones. She is now 83 and appears to be doing pretty well. Of course in 1955 they knew very little about hrt, and my mother is not a pill taker. In fact, she takes NO prescriptions at this time. We finally got her to take vitamins and mineral supplements. I hope your wife finds "The Wisom of Menopause" helpful. It addresses many of the changes that women experience at menopause including hormones, bones, etc, as well as our bodies moving from a state prepared for reproduction. Dr. Northrup describes it as our bodies rewiring and how that affects our total being. Your wife can take from it that which relates to her and leave the rest. I guess she really experienced a lot of changes at age 29. Give her my best wishes and let me know how she's doing. Elaine |