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Joined: 2003/12/30 ![]() |
2004/01/03, 11:25 AM
Hi, i posted a msg before but i didnt get very many results, probably because i didnt have a profile. But, since i do know, i will post another. I am 154lbs when i should be about 110lbs. I get very frusterated because everything i do seems so hopeless. Everyone says a good diet and exercise should do it. But, i dont really nkow what a good diet is, and when i should be exercising. Plz help me out with this so i can lose the weight that i have been struggling to lose for 2 yrs now. (i can usually lose sum, but then i put it all back on plus some)-------------- Blazing Star |
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Joined: 2000/12/26 ![]() |
2004/01/03, 12:08 PM
When you were able to lose weight, how were you doing this? How fast were you losing weight, and how fast did you put it back on? The best way to understand where you're having difficulties is to know what you've tried before, and what the outcome was.-------------- Adrian - ft Staff |
Joined: 2003/09/30 ![]() |
2004/01/03, 08:22 PM
I am strugling with weight loss also. I just keep my head up and keep working out
Joined: 2003/12/30 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 12:30 AM
well, i for awhile i pretty much stopped eating completely.. and i lost lots of weight after a certain point, but i was always sick blah blah blah.. then after i got help, as soon as i started eating it came back but a lot more!! (this is what actually caused the problem, because i wasn't overweight to begin with but i thought i was fat so i just stopped eating. in my freshman year of high school i wasnt even 95 lbs.) so then i started on various diets to try to lose the extra weight i put back on. And i would lose the weight fairly slow, (with all of them) but then I'd always end up putting it back on. (because i didnt want to be on a diet for the rest of my life) Now i know that i have to change my lifestyle, (find a diet that works for me that i can live with) but im just dont know what that is. Like, i want to eat healthy.. BUT i dont want to be eating spinach, tofu and melba toast forever. I just need help to figure out a diet and exercise program. Any help with that is tremendously appreciated! Thanx for the support by the way!-------------- Blazing Star |
Joined: 2003/09/22 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 02:14 PM
The problem that you encountered is one faced by many dieters. They drop calories dramatically which forces the body to burn tissue for energy. Many think that the body would burn fat and it does to some extent. But it ends up burning muscle tissue. This in turn lowers the metabolism. Therefore when you begin to eat again your body burns less (lower metabolism) and stores what's left as fat. It is a pretty brutal cycle. What you should do is couple your diet with exercise which preserves muscle tissue, increasing your metabolism. In effect, you can eat your food knowing that your body will burn those calories as opposed to storing them as fat. Also, it takes alot of energy to digest food. So if you split your daily intake into 5-6 meals you will increase your metabolism as well. Stick to lean meats (chicken, turkey, fish, tuna), Complex carbs (potatos, rice, veggies, legumes), and good fats. Start your day with a good breakfast. Severely limit sweets and processed, refined foods. Shoot for 12-15 calories per pound of body weight and watch your portions. Try this for awhile and evaluate your progress. If after a few weeks your clothes don't feel looser, lower your daily calories by 250 or so. Workout, exercise with weights, build some muscle- that is the key to long term weight loss. Above all be patient and don't give up. If you have questions about specific foods, search fit buddy at the bottom of the page or post your question. Good Luck
Joined: 2000/12/26 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 03:14 PM
Excellent comments from agamble. To make the diet part easier, I recommend you buy "Entering the Zone", a book by Barry (sp?) Sears. I found the "Zone" to be the only diet that I can turn into a lifestyle, and not just a diet. It stresses the importance of eating more, smaller meals, and also deals with the protein/carb/fat breakdown of meals.
After you read that book, you can get "A Week in the Zone", which is a book of sample meals in the zone. I have recommended this combination to many friends, with excellent results. One of my friends in Switzerland told me that now, at the age of 40, he lost 20kg, and he is in better shape than he ever was before. -------------- Adrian - ft Staff |
Joined: 2003/12/30 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 07:43 PM
thanks guys. i never would have known any of that if it werent for you! I'm glad you're here to help. Where can i buy those books Adrian? Just any book store, or certain ones? -------------- Blazing Star |
Joined: 2000/12/26 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 08:43 PM
Any book store - Chapters, Indigo, Amazon, etc. etc.-------------- Adrian - ft Staff |
Joined: 2003/12/30 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 08:47 PM
k thanx. now what about working out.. how often? what should i be doing? etc.. and i was reading in Readers digest about how certain foods burn fat (like grapefruit, apples, salmon, low fat milk, spinach etc) is this true?
Joined: 2000/12/26 ![]() |
2004/01/04, 09:49 PM
You can leave the "working out" part up to your workout program. "What should I be doing" is exactly what the ft program does. How often? that's up to you - depends on how much time you have available. Ideally, you should try to aim at 4-5 days per week. You will find that the more you do it, the more you'll enjoy it.
Yes, there are certain foods that help you burn fat. I don't know about the ones you wrote, except for salmon maybe - it is rich in Omega-3 fatty acid, which does help you burn fat, among its many benefits. Go to a health food store and buy a bottle of Flax Seed Oil. That's the standard supplement for Omega-3. Take one tea-spoon of it with your first 3 meals of the day. It tastes horrible, so you'll have to find a way to swallow it :) Or maybe get the capsules. -------------- Adrian - ft Staff |
Joined: 2003/12/30 ![]() |
2004/01/05, 11:40 PM
ok thnx alot!