2004/02/04, 07:20 PM
Like I said in my first posting this is my first time even attempting to really workout. I am 5ft 7in and 2## pounds I am 20 and I can't seem to get the motivation to workout. I started on Monday and now 2 days later my body still is in pain. I have no real steady schedule do to my classes. I come from a family where I am the tallest and the smallest (maybe it just the height) and it seems as if no matter what they try to do it doesn't work for them. I was dieting off and on for a few years but I have no patients so I quiet. Although right now I may know the reason why I am having a hard time to lose I still get discouraged.
What exercises do you recommend for me?
I just now got a gut so I guess I need help on my belly, thighs, arms and butt ( I have NEVER had a nice round butt is has always been TOO small now I want to push it up to make it rounder).
Thank you to all who reply...
I don't need to hear any negative comments so keep them to yourselves if you have any.
2004/02/04, 07:43 PM
Karen, first off, I'm no lady.
Second off, Welcome to FT.
Third off, nobody here will make negative comments to a serious question.
That said, it boils down to diet and exercise. Most of us have been where you are. Weight training builds muscle. Muscle burns more calories than fat does. So if you build the muscle the fat will go away. You want to start with a beginner program and get your body used to the exercise. Soreness is normal and will pass.
When you have done the routine for a while you want to progress to the heaviest lifting you can do. Don't worry about bulking up. Girls don't do that unless they are genetically freaky.
The way you eat is the most important part. You will probably be able to eat a lot more with weight lifting and cardio workouts than you really want to. The thing is you gotta research and find out the proper foods and correct proportions. Read the boards here and do your homework. Ask loads of questions.
Hope this helps.
Good luck with your goals.
-------------- Its like herding cats.
2004/02/04, 08:14 PM
Hi Karen
Welcome to FT :)
I agree 100% with what Charlie has said. Know that many people have been right where you are and have lost weight. Once you start seeing your clothes fitting differently, it will help tenfold towards your motivation. Ignore the scales! Muscle weighs more than fat so that may make you discouraged. If you continue with a workout program, it may become such a routine part of your life you may not even think about missing a workout. Also, enlisting a friend can help keep both of you motivated. Keep in touch with us here at FT - we like to help each other out. Good luck to you :)
2004/02/07, 02:45 AM
Good advice from both of them, up there. Have you tried the Exercise Resources here at FT? These programs are really good, especially for starting out. It will tell you what and when to do your exercises. Do you go to a gym or workout at home?
-------------- ~Victoria~
...Do not be discouraged; everyone who got where he is, started where he was.--anon
...There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.--Beverly Sills
2004/02/08, 09:05 PM
I workout at home I don't have that money to go to a gym. The gyms around where I live cost an arm and a leg.
Thank you to all who have answered and will.