Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 1541, Messages: 27038

Officially introduce yourself to the community by sharing your goals, obstacles or accomplishments. Don't be shy.. we're all here for the same reason. The more support we share the easier it will be to reach our goals!

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Starting out!

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/02/07
United States
2004/02/07, 02:56 PM
Hello I am just starting out. I am 5'10" 175lbs 31w and 25yrs old. I have pictures but I don't know how to put them up so everyone can see them yet. If someone could help me out that would be great. Thank you for welcoming me.
Posts: 4,670
Joined: 2003/10/05
2004/02/08, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the site!

To post photos, you have to upload them from your profile after you've scanned them into your computer. Go to your profile, click on "view YOUR profile" and from there, scroll down and follow the instructions!

Again, welcome to the site!


"I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self."
