Group: Under 25 Club

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 647, Messages: 8009

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work out 1 muscle group once a week???

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/02/01
United States
2004/02/10, 09:15 PM
Hi i am fairly new to this program, but i was amazed when i saw that they, ft, are telling people to only workout every muscle group once a week. Can anyone tell me if this really works?
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 2003/09/30
United States
2004/02/10, 09:19 PM
Yes, It does muscle is built while you rest not while you work out. Using ft I was gaing 5lbs per week easy on my one rep max. Till of course I hit a plateau now lol. Good Luck - Mike

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it is gone past me I will turn to see fear's path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain
Posts: 126
Joined: 2002/05/02
United States
2004/02/11, 07:00 AM
its true but you have to make sure you are destroying the muscle for it to work.

free your mind -Logger
2004/02/11, 09:17 AM
bball, you have to take into account that you do work muscle groups more than once a week in a secondary fashion. It is also ok to hit the more frequently used muscles like legs and abs more than once a week. Your muscle growswhile resting... not while lifting.

Some times life is like herding cats.

Posts: 13
Joined: 2004/01/21
United States
2004/02/11, 06:29 PM
It's fine to workout each muscle group once a week as long as you increase the volume. Just remember to switch it up you cant stick with training them once a week forever. When your done with the ft program switch to a different that works them more than once a week
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2004/02/12, 04:38 PM
working out is the tool to break the muscle fibers down period. working out does not make you bigger, its the rest and nutretion afterward you put in that fixs and repairs your body. The repairing makes the muscles bigger so that can next time do it better. Heres a scenerio that might help visualize it better.....
Imagine your muscles as a brick wall, Right now its thin and not many blocks on it and its 7 bricks thick. When you work out you break down your wall. You'll lose 3 rows of bricks, when you rest and eat right your body will come back and add 4 rows of bricks. You orginally had 7 rows now you have 8 after repairing the wall( muscles). Then next time same thing happens, and you have 9 rows after rest, and food, so you can see how the wall keeps getting thicker and thicker( just like muscles)
Now say you don't rest and all you have is 4 bricks, and you work out again, now you break down 2 more rows of bricks, Now you only have 2 rows of bricks( muscles) so you can see eventualy you will have no more bricks to tear down if its never repaired and you overtrain> If you over train to much it may take a month or so to get outta this hole you dug. hope this helps and you understand lol

---andrew.......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!