Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

Dealing with injuries and learning how to avoid them is extremely important!

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SOre Sore Legs!

Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/02/16
United States
2004/02/16, 10:39 AM
Thats what I have! I thought it was shin splints but now its been 3 months, 2 trips to the dr, and it just wont go away!
I had x rays and its not stress fractures but the pain is just so bad that its hard to walk let alone work out some times.
Any ideas? Whats the best pain meds also.
Posts: 226
Joined: 2003/03/14
2004/02/16, 11:31 AM

My Suggestion would be to seek Medical Advice. If you have been in that much pain for 3 months then there must be something wrong. I don't think that anyone here is able to accurately tell you what is wrong. As for Medication, well try Extra Strength Tylenol. If that is not enough, then ask your Doctor for something to help when you go speak with him!
Posts: 893
Joined: 2003/02/18
2004/02/16, 02:42 PM
I agree with speeder - see your Dr - I have had shin splints a few times and they are really painful - to have them for 3 months - poor you :( Best see the Dr again - and really insist on having him/her check all other possible conditions.
Posts: 6
Joined: 2004/02/16
United States
2004/02/16, 04:59 PM

Thank you for your replys. I think that I am going to have to go back to the drs!!! I have never heard of having S.S for so long! I wonder what else it could be? Maybe my fat ass putting to much pressure on my legs? HAHA!
Posts: 1,621
Joined: 2003/09/30
United States
2004/02/17, 06:12 AM
Marnieson what does they wear on the soles of your shoes look like? are they work to the outside. If your feet under pronate you will get allot of ankle and back pain. So good Luck - Mike

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it is gone past me I will turn to see fear's path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain
Posts: 3
Joined: 2003/07/18
2004/02/26, 07:04 PM

I had S.S. that lasted nearly a full year, and you can do an exercise for them. Lay a towel on the floor in front of a chair. Put your feet on the towel, and using your toes in a scrunching motion, move the towel under your feet. Also, are you taking any supplements? Creatine has been linked to causing swelling in the casing around the calf that joins it to the tibula. This isn't noticed by most, but when it does start to hurt, it is brutal. Also, ice, and lots of it. And like Mmaibohm said your foot wear is critical. If your arch is low, it will allow the calf muscle to pull downward and stretch the muscle casing at the bone. Hope this helps.