Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 55, Messages: 4466

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patellafemoral? Chondramalacia?

Posts: 5
Joined: 2004/02/16
United States
2004/02/19, 11:02 AM
My doctors told me I have patellafemoral syndrom in my knees. Its like having runners knees, I guess. They tell me that there is nothin that can be done about it, and that it may eventually go away? WHAT?!?!? I have not been able to kneel or do lunges or squats, I cant even do bent leg deadlifts without pain...does anyone have any suggestions or been through this?
Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/02/19, 11:14 AM
Second opinion!

I have been recently told that I have Chondramalacia. I personally believe that a connective tissue has been torn off. X-rays also show that my kneecap is not tracking right. I have been going to therapy to strengthen the quads hoping to pull the kneecap back in place. I have had quite a few surgeries on this knee in the past for torn ligaments, torn ligaments, cartilidge fragments, etc etc etc...Do a search on Chondramalacia on the internet to find out a little more. Therapy has helped, but the pain is still there once in awhile. Going down steps can be a thrill sometimes.

Therapy has been, leg lifts, biking, squats on a total gym, lots of balancing crap, scoot myself around on a chair, and this stupid machine that treats you to isometrics, isotension, and isokenetic crap...The quads are equal strength in both legs now, but the knee joint itself seems very rough, and quite painful at times. A good scope to clean it out under there would probably do the trick for now. Good luck rannyree; do some research on the internet, because understanding the lingo of Drs. and therapist can really piss you off.

Don't know if I helped or not...

Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2004/02/19, 11:19 AM
I had a tracking problem 2 3 years ago. Was susposed to go to a PT but decided not to spen the money as my insurance did not really coever it. I could not do squats, walking up and down hills or stairs was very hard as my knee would just give out, and the end result is that after a year it just went away, maily because I forced my self to do squats. Stay light on the leg ext but do try to lift for that area.....good luck!:big_smile:

Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/02/19, 11:20 AM
Hey rannyree; I just read your profile; where abouts in Illinois? Another one from the midwest here. (Bloomington)
Posts: 5
Joined: 2004/02/16
United States
2004/02/19, 11:31 AM
I am around the Kankakee Area fryer. Well, I've gone the PT route twice. I've waited and waited and it still hasn't gone away. I don't want to do anything that will make it worse. The knee tracking wrong is what I have too. They said it may be from my quads being bigger than my hams and not much inner leg strength. I am at a loss. The doctors wont even go in and look around, because they said they could make it worse!!!
Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/02/19, 11:40 AM
Take a hammer to the Drs. Knee, and see how fast he/she gets the knee problem resolved. I am also tired of the could be's, the might be's, and the I don't want to go back in because this increases the chance of arthrits(sp), and the build up of scar tissue. Here, wear this brace when your doing agility things...

If you want; I have a friend that works for one of the hospitals in Kankakee(??St. Marys I think). I can see if she has any preferences to orthopedic surgeons, and get back to you with what she says.

I think that my doctor will say; you just need to live with it. We will see I guess.
Posts: 7,686
Joined: 2002/06/18
United States
2004/02/19, 11:43 AM
Listen if your quads are stronger than you hams then you will have problems you need to train legs in a balanced manner.....that was the problem with min as soon as I made sure to hit the hams hard enough plus squats mine went away but that is me I would get a differetn opinion first!
