2004/03/07, 10:39 PM
I know what your thinking-:surprised:. I just don't know how to lose these things. I used to weigh 300 and now I am down to 230. I used to weigh 200 before that, but I added some muscle(mainly fat-gaining that much muscle in a year would be impossible!). I can feel that there is muscle under there, but I have yet to find a way to lose the fat around my "pectoral region". What do you suggest for me to do to lose this fat as fast as possible?
-------------- \\"D\\"
Determination: There is no substitute for hard work.
2004/03/07, 10:59 PM
Diet. You're diet will be the biggest influence on the shedding of the fat. I've always found the best diet is just to eat reasonable portions, several times a day of food that is simply healthy. Avoiding fried foods and saturated fats and sugars and the such. Keep the calories at anywhere between 1500 and 2000 calories.
Then maybe you would also want to try to alter your workout program should you be on it for quite some time already. I generally switch things up about every month and a half to make sure my body dosn't get used to it and stop producing. Introduce some cardio if you don't already do that. I've heard the HIIT program is an excellent program for losing weight. Someone else could most likely help you out a little better with that than I.
Hope that gives you an idea of where to start. Welcome to FT and Good Luck.
-------------- Get your weight up, kid
2004/03/08, 07:16 AM
Bigdavis I am in your boat trying to get rid of the man boobs but I am still at 365. You cannot spot reduce fat the only way to get rid of them is to lower your overall caloric intake. What is your caloric intake now? Also see bb1fits grocery list for a body builder in the nutrtion section. The man boobs will go away with time and fat reduction. If they dont then that is another problem. SO eat well train hard - Mike
-------------- I am that
which must be feared, worshipped and adored. The world is mine
now and forever.No one holds command over me. No man. No god. I am a beast and that is enough.
2004/03/08, 02:35 PM
I suggest doing a search for "gynecomastia," or "gynocomastia," on google. It's not always so simple, the man boob thing.