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Joined: 2004/03/10 ![]() |
2004/03/10, 01:50 PM
Hiya! I'm 21 years old and getting married May 29, 2004. YAY! Anywhoo, ever since I had a baby I'm kinda out of shape. Well, my body isn't like it used to be. Right now I'm 5'3", and somewhere between 120-125 lbs. I like my weight, but it seems to have gone places that aren't so attractive. Such as my butt and thighs. :( I think there is something to worry about when my fiance` looked at me not long ago, and told me that my butt was looking funny. I asked him what he meant, and told me, "It looks dimply." EEW! My eating habits are fine, but my excercise life isn't that great. Seems like I don't have time with a one year old running around. :) I was wondering if anyone had some tips on how to make my butt less droopy, and saggy, and more perky, and rounder, and super nice. Like one of those butts you would just want to go up and grab! :laugh:. And how to make my tighs firm and tone. Right now my thighs kinda poke out on the sides. I don't know how else to explain that. Also, after I had the baby, I went from a D-cup to a C-cup. :surprised: Is this normal? And how can I make them like they used to be? Please respond soon. I have only 10 and 1/2 weeks to get looking great.-------------- WendiLeAnn |
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Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/03/10, 02:06 PM
Hi there and congratulations on getting married. As you will find out here when you want to tone and lose weight you cant pick a spot and work on it.........it just doenst happen that way.....for the thighs and butt let me suggest some of the things that I do and have helped me alot since I started this which was a few months before I got married
(Jan 3,2004). I always ran a few miles on the treadmill daily and my job was very active on my feet climbing stairs all day long. my legs had dimples on them that now I remember seeing when I was 12 and it hasnt been until I started working my legs with weights that I have seen a change in them. Deadlifts Goodmornings Squats lunges (I hate these exercises more then anything in the world)but the next day when I wake up and it hurts to walk I know that I have worked them good and 2 days later it hurts when I try to set down on the toliet I am thinking man does this stop but it does......also I have started riding the staionary bike although it is the kind you set down in rather then set on and I usually do a manual level of 7 or 8 for about 30 mins.......the next day I feel it in my legs everywhere and I can honestly say that since I started doing these things I can see muscle and they are firmer yes the little dimple is still there but not as deep............look on the exercises here for the legs and butt and that will give you an idea of what to do........also I jsut bought a book called strength training anatomy for women and it targets the areas that are harder for women to develope then men.........I am by no means an expert on this matter just someone who is learning as she goes along.....:dumbbell: -------------- you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make them drink..... ~lynnoakdale |
Joined: 2004/03/10 ![]() |
2004/03/10, 04:28 PM
Thank you, lynnoakdale, for the advice. As far as excercise goes, I don't always have the time to do excercises. Between me working 40 hrs. a week, juggling around a baby who has just learned how to walk, and gets into everything, trying to get this wedding together, my fiance`'s swing-shift, blah, blah, blah....point being, I don't always have time or the money for the gym. Are there any home excercises that I could do, because I don't exactly have gym equipment at the house. (The house is too small and I have a budget) =) How about leg lifts, squats, yard work, ect....? Also, do you think this would help out with my female parts? You know, my vagina? It seemed to have gotten looser, to me, after I had the baby. My fiance` says that it's the same, but I can feel the difference. And how about the breast question I asked earlier? Is it normal that they shrunk that much in a year?
Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/03/11, 08:59 AM
Wendileann.....yes you should be able to do the leg exercises at home and if you dont have time for the gym may I suggest buying some light weights (small dumbells) at walmart or a sports store to add some resistance which will make some difference. I believe squats are really good for the legs and you can do them with no weight however I have really thick thighs so I choose to use weight to tone and sculpt. As far as the breast goes I have never had children so I cant say that I know what you are going through but many of my friends have went through something similar.......maybe you want to check out some of the chest exercises and work with those in order to help with the breast situaion. I have heard of my girlfriends having these really nice boobs before and during the pregnancy and afterwards they arent what they use to be......I guess you could say that that takes alot out of them.....as far as the vagina region if you look around on some of the other post I think someone asked a question similar to yours and it got alot of response so look around for that...............is it the muscle area that your are questioning about or is it fat. you maybe want to tighten those muscle that give you the ability to stop peeing midstream I think they are called the PBC muscle.......if you are sitting in a chair do the same movement you would do if you had to stop peeing all of the sudden and you can try this during sex and see if he notices any diiference. Also may I add that there is a home workout on here that you can do without ever leaving the house. I hope that this has helped you I am still learning everyday as I go....good luck to you and remember that if you do a little something everyday that is better then nothing at all.:dumbbell:-------------- you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make them drink..... ~lynnoakdale |
Joined: 2004/03/10 ![]() |
2004/03/11, 12:03 PM
lynnoakdale, you have been such a great help. Also, a great friend, if you don't mind me calling you that. I've been too embarassed to ask anyone else some of the questions I have asked on this site. I will definately try those workouts at the house, and I will try the "small wieghts" advise. That sounded like a great idea. If I have anymore questions, may I feel free to ask you? Otherwise I'll post it on the board, and maybe you'll respond along with others. I hope to make more friends in here. Thanks
============ Quoting from lynnoakdale: Wendileann.....yes you should be able to do the leg exercises at home and if you dont have time for the gym may I suggest buying some light weights (small dumbells) at walmart or a sports store to add some resistance which will make some difference. I believe squats are really good for the legs and you can do them with no weight however I have really thick thighs so I choose to use weight to tone and sculpt. As far as the breast goes I have never had children so I cant say that I know what you are going through but many of my friends have went through something similar.......maybe you want to check out some of the chest exercises and work with those in order to help with the breast situaion. I have heard of my girlfriends having these really nice boobs before and during the pregnancy and afterwards they arent what they use to be......I guess you could say that that takes alot out of them.....as far as the vagina region if you look around on some of the other post I think someone asked a question similar to yours and it got alot of response so look around for that...............is it the muscle area that your are questioning about or is it fat. you maybe want to tighten those muscle that give you the ability to stop peeing midstream I think they are called the PBC muscle.......if you are sitting in a chair do the same movement you would do if you had to stop peeing all of the sudden and you can try this during sex and see if he notices any diiference. Also may I add that there is a home workout on here that you can do without ever leaving the house. I hope that this has helped you I am still learning everyday as I go....good luck to you and remember that if you do a little something everyday that is better then nothing at all.:dumbbell: ============= -------------- WendiLeAnn |
Joined: 2003/12/12 ![]() |
2004/03/11, 02:39 PM
I am flattered that you considering me a friend...I like to think of you as a friend too and someone who struggles with the same things I do when it comes to getting in shape. Please feel free to ask away at the questions and if I dont have any answers I can maybe head you in the right direction so you can get them.........I am here and learning as I go..........and whatever info I have in the head I will share!!!! Good luck and let me know on how those home workouts go............:dumbbell: