2004/03/11, 03:24 AM
Hello my name is Amanda, I am 22 years old, I am married with 2 children. I hope that this program can help me finally lose the weight, I have been trying to get off for a year, and also to help tone my, way out of shape stomach. 6 months after I had my daughter, I had to have my 3rd surgery to remove cancer that I had. Ever since then I can't seem to get the weight off. If anybody has any tips, I would love to hear them.
2004/03/11, 06:32 AM
Welcome to ft Amanda. ft will provide you with all the resources you need. There are forums for diet, exercise, supplements, and much more. Search the boards to learn diet AND exercise tips. Feel free to ask any specific questions you might have. Good Luck
2004/03/11, 09:48 AM
Morning lilah...welcome and please use the forum ask questions and come chat with us. Read some forums and you'll begin to see a lot of info that will help guide you. Good luck. Be fit.
2004/03/11, 04:28 PM
Hi Amanda. Welcome to ft, lots of good information in the other forums. Search and you will find what you are looking for. Also use the fit buddy at the bottom of the forums. Good luck on your goals and be well. :big_smile:
2004/03/12, 08:51 AM
If you've been ill chances are you've lost some muscle, causing your metabolism to slow down. The exercise and diet program here will help speed things up again especially the weight training
good luck