Group: Injuries & Rehabilitation

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Total Knee Replacement

Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/03/19, 03:37 PM
:(Has anybody ever had total knee replacement? I have been having a ton of problems with my knee, and a recent MRI. I just finished meeting with 3 doctors, and all agree that knee replacement is the only thing that can be done.

They also stated that I should deal with the pain as long as I could. I am 37, and the doctors felt as if I had the surgery now, I would have to have it done 1-3 times before I die.

What would you do with this news?
Posts: 95
Joined: 2002/10/24
2004/03/19, 03:42 PM
Go see a fourth doctor.

Seriously, all you can do is weigh the pros and the cons. How bad is the surgery, how long is the rehab? How bad does your knee hurt, how does it impede your regular life?
Posts: 187
Joined: 2004/03/17
United States
2004/04/20, 12:49 PM
My mother has had a doctor tell her that she needed a knee replacement, not sure what kind of shape you are in, but she started eating better, especialy increassing her protiens and doing theriputic (no idea if I spelled that right) exercises. Her knee has goten to the point that it is liveable and no replacement needed, she just can't do high intensity stuff. Not sure of your issues of course, I know hers were bad. We have bad knees in our family... and I am a runner lol.

Sean "TBAR" Johnson -USAF-
Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/04/20, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the input guys. This whole thing is frustrating as hell! I need to switch insurance carriers so that I can see any doctor. I have met with all the docs in my network, and three outside my network. They all say the same thing, nope, not touching you, your to young.

I am learning to live with the damn thing. Each day is different. I am riding a stationary bike, and walking like crazy. Have to ice it everytime, but I have to do something. I will continue to search out new strengthing exercises that don't stress the knee so much. I miss the squats!!!

Thanks again for your input; I was frustrated when I wrote the post; I am learning to deal with it, and continue to have a positive attitude.:angry:

Posts: 187
Joined: 2004/03/17
United States
2004/04/20, 05:58 PM
that is an awsome atitude, I hope I can be like that when I get hit with a problem of that caliber. I think you may be running into a "network" problem, again, my dad this time, had a problem with his HMO or what ever kind it was, they all basicaly wanted to go to drastic measures to repair a simple problem. Here is what he did in that situation, went to a doctor that was not covered by his insurance, paied out of pocket for an examination (was unreall, like $400.00 if I recall) and that doctor came up with a much easyer solution that has proved well for a long time. Before contacting that doctor he made many phone calls to multiple offices of specialists. (god, wish I could remeber what his problem was, was a good 5 - 7 years ago) He found a guy that wanted to poke around and check it out, then, once he got the results from the tests/examination took them to his doctor in the network, and all of a suden there was other "options".... Good luck Fryer, wish the best for you.

Sean "TBAR" Johnson -USAF-
Posts: 75
Joined: 2004/02/23
United States
2004/04/21, 12:51 AM
One thing I would do is go talk to a Physical Therapist, they will tell you somethings that a doctor may not. They are there to be honest, but see if you can talk to one that has done rehab with a lot of knees the more they have worked with the more they should be able to help you. Phyiscal Therapy is expensive and i believe you have to have a doctors referal before they can treat you but hopefully you can get one to talk to you on the phone. One of the best things is having a positive attitude, GOOD FOR YOU!!:big_smile:
Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/04/21, 12:03 PM
Thanks for the support and info. Relique & skeys. I have talked with a Physical Therapist about exercises.

#1- exercises in the water
#2- Isotension(flex legs)
#3- Leg Lifts front/side/back-unweighted
#4- Eliptical
#5- Stationary Bike
#6- Walk

So far, that is all she suggested. :(No squats:(

She did say, in time, something about some crazy wooble board exercises, and pulling myself across the floor on a chair that has wheels. Not sure if those would be considered Dynamic exercises.

Anywho, eyes and ears are open. Thanks again for the input!
Posts: 43
Joined: 2004/02/02
United States
2004/04/21, 12:30 PM
Don't let them tell you that your too young...
I have a friend who is a firefighter and had to have a total knee replacement. His knee was pretty bad and he thought it was the end of his career. It almost was...he started to strengthen the muscles around his new knee. You can't even tell he has had the replacement, unless you ask him. He does strenghtening exercises everyday... it helps keep the replacement in place.


Posts: 441
Joined: 2003/09/29
United States
2004/04/21, 12:49 PM
I hear ya Soldierbone...The docs are all telling me that, but I'm not listening. I asked one Doc; "now, if I were an elite athlete, or had been in a bad accident, then would you fix it"?

Answer; "YES! "But, you are not an elite athlete, and you have not been in a bad accident".

I had many questions after he made that statement. Well, some questions and some remarks. By the end of the consultation, we both more or less figured that we had fingers, and each of us used one.

Anywho, I have to get my ducks in a row, keep doing what I'm doing, and I WILL get a 7th opinion.

First things first; have to have my gall bladder removed Friday. Not to sure about this eating good, and exercising bit. Some days I think that I will be the healthiest man in the casket.

Weight loss, kidney stones, high blood pressure, trashed knee, and now gall bladder/belly button hernia.

One thing at a time, one day at a time, and never ever give up the fight. My attitude has to be good, if not, it will only make things worse. Frustrated about everything, YES! Gonna rollover and give up; HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Things could always be worse.

Peace All; I am now off my soapbox...Wooo, pysched; I gotta lift something today, got myself all riled up..

2004/04/21, 05:19 PM
I wanna belike Mike!!!! Great attitude ,buddy.

A problem ceases to be such when you can laugh about it.

Posts: 1
Joined: 2004/04/22
United States
2004/04/22, 06:02 PM

I had a total replacement one year ago last January. I was 47 and was encouraged, at the age of 35, to put off the surgery as long as possible (which I did). It is the best thing I ever did - HOWEVER -

My friend, who played for the Miami Dolphins, avoided two knee replacements by chosing "prolotherapy". It has been around since 1937 and is now gaining wider acceptance. He chose to try that instead of surgery and now does not need any surgery at all.
Quoting from fryer91:

:(Has anybody ever had total knee replacement? I have been having a ton of problems with my knee, and a recent MRI. I just finished meeting with 3 doctors, and all agree that knee replacement is the only thing that can be done.

They also stated that I should deal with the pain as long as I could. I am 37, and the doctors felt as if I had the surgery now, I would have to have it done 1-3 times before I die.

What would you do with this news?
Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/07/12
United States
2004/07/12, 02:37 PM
My father had both knees replaced at the same time when he was 55. He said the rehab was the hardest part. 9 months of intensive rehab. He said he would do it again if he had to. The only time he really feels pain now is when the seasons change and in extreme tempratures.
Posts: 1
Joined: 2010/05/14
United States
2010/06/07, 03:37 PM
ive had total hip replacement. what kind of exercise can i do now