Group: Strength & Powerlifting

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 39, Messages: 16459

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One Rep Max - Personal Goals

Posts: 2,457
Joined: 2003/12/16
United States
2004/03/27, 05:38 PM
I went to the gym today and did one rep maxes for a bunch of different exercises. I thought I would post them here along with my goals. Wish me luck!

Squat max 340 goal 405
Deadlift max 315 goal 385
Lunges max 225 goal 285
Bench max 275 goal 300 or better
Incline max 225 goal 275
Decline max 295 goal 315 or better
Military Press max 155 goal 205

Funny story about the Military Presses. I tried for 185. I did a warm up with 135 and I knew that I wasn't going to get 185. I thought what the hell I will go for it anyway. I had my wife spotting me. I told her "When I tell you, grab this thing" I got the 185 down and it didnt budge up. I said "Grab that F'r!" She puts two fingers on the bar and says "I cant get it past your chin!" She was panicking. I stood up like I was doing a front squat and racked it. So yes my military press is measley but hey I got to start somewhere. I will keep you all posted when I reach my goals.

My gym dues are not paid with money.
Posts: 8,542
Joined: 2002/01/20
2004/03/27, 09:44 PM
Good luck and don't hurt yourself Hec. Those are nice records and goals!

"A will finds a way, failure is not an option"
Montreal Canada
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2004/03/27, 11:15 PM
Awesome, you have all the info you will ever need to start this plan. From this point forward you will always know about where you are at. If you stick this plan for 4 weeks you will see great gains. Once you are done with it I will give you the next 4 weeks if you want it. Good luck!
Posts: 192
Joined: 2002/12/23
United States
2004/03/29, 02:48 AM
Can you please give me the same 4 week plan gatormade?
Posts: 1,355
Joined: 2003/10/01
United States
2004/03/29, 11:59 AM
The first 4 weeks are under the mass gaining question post. Try the first 4 weeks then I'll give you the next 4.