Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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Shocking muscles

Posts: 46
Joined: 2004/02/24
United States
2004/04/28, 01:12 AM
Hey guys is it ok to change my excercise routine every week? I just started the body for life program and upperbody is done twice a week i was wonderin if i could change up the excercises every week or is this not recommended? Upper body is done on Monday and friday btw. Thanks
Posts: 46
Joined: 2004/02/24
United States
2004/04/28, 03:29 PM

So in other words don't change it every week? should i change my program every two weeks then?
Quoting from neov3:

its ok to use muscle shock programs, just dont go over the top like changing your program more than twice a mouth
Posts: 490
Joined: 2003/07/08
United States
2004/04/28, 05:54 PM
i usually do different routines every week... actually, this is what i do; i keep teh same 5 day split the same, but i seldom do the same routine for each specific group twice in a row... in other words, i work my back every tuesday, but last tuesday, for example, i didn't do some of the same lifts i did the tuesday before that... i do, however, do some lifts just about every time i work a certain muscle group, though... like squats, deads, etc...

anyhoo, i change my "slip" every so often, but for the most part, i just go to the gym and do whatever lifts i feel like doing for the muscle group i'm working at that particular day... and i try to remember what i did the previous week so i don't repeat the same lifts...

anyhoo, i've been doing this for a while now and been seeing crazy results... so just go ahead and change your program every week if you feel like it, and see if it works for you like it works for me... best of luck to your and holla back!

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