Group: All Else Lounge

Created: 2011/12/31, Members: 42, Messages: 22740

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A most unhealthy yet completely....

Posts: 564
Joined: 2004/01/25
United States
2004/05/12, 10:24 AM
Well Ladies and first final has arrived. Scheduled for 1230pm is my final exam in Introductory Biology.

After spending the past 4 days studying hard, helping one of our friends by doing something even tougher than i imagined it would be, and billions of study breaks it is here.

I woke up this morning at 715 unable to sleep...the earliest all year i've woken up coherent enough to put on some pants (normally i sit around in boxers after hitting the snooze button forever and a day).

I had a most unhealthy yet completely satisfying breakfast ritual that my father started with me when i was younger...and i am as calm as a hindu cow. I ate 2 pieces of White bread toast. Spread across the toast, Peter Pan peanut butter. Sprinkled atop the peanutbutter 2 packets of sugar with the excess gently let run off. with a whole milk, i am completely calm and happy.

This test will not last...I WILL CONQUER IT muahahaha.

However, if i read about one more evolved trait or allele and how it benefits the community through shared parenting to further insure the survival of the shared genes i'm going to defenestrate myself. (Defenestrate: a throwing of a person or thing out of a window)
Posts: 43
Joined: 2004/05/09
United States
2004/05/12, 10:26 AM
lololol well that breakfast sounded yummy. i love peanut butter. but good luck on your finals
Posts: 452
Joined: 2004/02/11
United States
2004/05/12, 11:04 AM
My love for language made me look this up. How sad.

Merriam-Webster says:

Main Entry: de·fen·es·tra·tion
Pronunciation: (")dE-"fe-n&-'strA-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: de- + Latin "fenestra" (window)
Date: 1620
: a throwing of a person or thing out of a window
- de·fen·es·trate /(")dE-'fe-n&-"strAt/ transitive verb

The Real-Time Encyclopedia describes:
defenestration is "the traditional Czechoslovakian method of assassinating prime ministers."

Petra Hanáková tells us:

This situation culminated in 1419 with the First Defenestration of Prague, in which Hussites threw 7 members of the Czech Town Council out of Prague's New Town Hall window--and to their deaths on the points of Hussite-wielded pikes below. To make the situation more interesting, King Wenceslas IV had an apoplectic fit and died of a heart attack upon learning of the defenestration.

Radio Prague adds:

They began their rebellion in grand Czech style, with the Second Defenestration of Prague in 1618. In this second defenestration, two vice-regents of the Austrian monarch and some governors of the Czech lands were thrown out of a tower window at Prague Castle. They were not killed, however, as they fell onto a pile of garbage (mostly straw) which had accumulated in the castle moat.

: ] ~Danielle
Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.
~Benjamin Disraeli