2004/05/17, 11:09 AM
Hey guys, I'm working on an experiment to keep my routine fresh and exciting. I spent a month trying to figure out my limits and the amount of rest I need per major muscle group to inhibit growth and here is the system I came up with.
I first, split my routine into what I call my major muscle group's and they are as follows :
Cardio Vacular System
I then selected exercises that I can do with the equipment I have in my home gym (Basically a bench with a squat rack, preacher curl and leg developer as well as dumbbells, ez-bar and treadmill). Strength Training Anotomy was the key to this list, but here it is:
Arms Curls
Arms Concentration Curls
Arms Hammer Curls
Arms Barbell Curls
Arms Reverse Curls
Arms Reverse Wrist Curls
Arms Wrist Curls
Arms Tricep Extensions
Arms Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
Arms One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
Arms Seated Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
Arms Seated EZ-Bar Triceps Extensions
Arms Triceps Kickbacks
Arms Tricep Dips
Shoulders Back Press
Shoulders Front Press
Shoulders Dumbbell Press
Shoulders One-Arm Dumbbell Press
Shoulders Lateral Raises
Shoulders Bent-Over Lateral Raises
Shoulders Front Raises
Shoulders Side-Lying Lateral Raises
Shoulders One-Dumbbell Front Raises
Shoulders Barbell Front Raises
Shoulders Upright Rows
Chest Bench Press
Chest Close-Grip Bench Press
Chest Incline Press
Chest Decline Press
Chest Push-Ups
Chest Bumbbell Press
Chest Bumbbell Flys
Chest Incline Dumbbell Press
Chest Incline Dumbbell Flys
Chest Dumbbell Pullovers
Chest Barbell Pullovers
Back One-Arm Dumbbell Rows
Back Bent Rows
Back Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Back Deadlifts
Back Sumo Deadlifts
Back Upright Rows
Back Barbell Shrugs
Back Dumbbell Shrugs
Legs Dumbbell Squats
Legs Squats
Legs Front Squats
Legs Power Squats
Legs Leg Extensions
Legs Lying Leg Curls
Legs Good Mornings
Legs One-Leg Toe Raises
Legs Seated Barbell Calf Raises
Buttocks Lunges
Buttocks Floor Hip Extensions (Kick Backs)
Buttocks Bridging
Buttocks Floor Hip Abductions
Abdomen Crunches
Abdomen Sit-Ups
Abdomen Gym Ladder Sit-Ups
Abdomen Calves Over Bench Sit-Ups
Abdomen Incline Bench Sit-Ups
Abdomen Incline Leg Raises
Abdomen Broomstick Twists
Abdomen Dumbbell Side Bends
Cardio Vacular System H.I.I.T Cardio
I would then assign each muscle group a "Amount of Rest Days" Number. This was the hard part. And what I had to be honest with. I used my common sense, the absence of DOMS after the elapsed time and general information to establish these "Rest Days".
Arms(Bi and Tri) 3 Days
Shoulders 3 Days
Chest 3 Days
Back 4 Days
Legs(Ham,Glute) 4 Days
Buttocks 4 Days (Because my ass is sore everytime I do squats :)
Abdomen 2 Days
CVS (HIIT) 1 Day
Then, being the computer geek that I am, wrote a small application that would calculate a database for a year that would stack the exercises in the correct time frame on top of one anoter for a "SAFE" 7 day split that adhered to the rest days and did not overtrain the body.... The only thing I did not account for was working secondary muscle on the main body group (for instance Buttocks on Leg Days and Triceps on Chest days.).
Do you guys see any detrimental effects this may have on muscle gains?
-------------- If your muscle wont allow you to do the last few reps, make your mind and heart do it. Your muscles will thank them later.