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Joined: 2003/02/03 |
2004/05/21, 11:32 AM
Hi! Due to my knees which sometimes hurt, I don't do too much running, instead I like the stairclimber and elliptical trainer, etc. However, to get some variety in my programs, I run once, twice max, a week. So today I did a 30 min. HIIT session on the treadmill and after I got off, the juice bar guy came up to me and started telling me how if women run, they lose boobs and muscle.....that running is mainly a good cardio activity for men but not women. Instead women should walk... uphill is best....and focus on doing large steps while squeezing the butt when stepping. He said this is because it is more important for a woman to have a nice shape, but not necessarily be superthin...which I know is true, but will running really take away from "feminitity?" So question is, how many of you ladies run and is what he said true? (by the way, i don't really want to lose weight, I just heard running ups the metabolism and so that's why I do it).
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Joined: 2004/02/11 |
2004/05/21, 02:15 PM
Hi Diana!
I am training for a 60 mile walk in August (breast cancer fundraiser, The 3-Day), and most of the time I walk briskly as the 'juice' guy described.. but I do run for HIIT and know lots of women who do, and they still look very sexy. You are right about the heartrate/metabolism thing, and personally I feel the running is great for that reason. I really dislike when people make general statements like that regarding certain types of exercise being better for men vs. women. Running is good exercise for everyone in appropriate quantity and quality. His specific remark of losing boobs and muscle.. boobs are fat, so if you are burning more calories than you are consuming, you will lose some fat. Muscle gets burned when you deplete glycogen.. so reduce your HIIT session to more like 20 minutes, have a protein shake afterwards to replenish your muscles, and keep on running. -------------- : ] ~Danielle The deepest rivers flow with the least sound. |
Joined: 2004/02/21 |
2004/05/21, 02:19 PM
It could even be argued that running is better for women as the high impact nature means it is good to maximise bone density and prevent osteoporosis (definitely more of a female problem) It's true that distance runners tend to end up scrawny with little body fat or muscle but a 30 minute HIIT session once or twice a week is not going to do that. I don't think that it's anything specific about running that leads to that physique, rather the duration of the exercise. Make sure that your wearing a good supportive sports bra, eating properly and keeping focus on resistance training and you will be fine. |
Joined: 2004/02/21 |
2004/05/21, 02:20 PM
oh, that nonsense was directed at the bloke at the juice bar, not you danielle
Joined: 2003/05/22 |
2004/05/21, 03:33 PM
i'd like to throw a dumbbell at that guy's head...
first of all, what business does a total stranger have coming up to you and telling you that running is going to make you lose your boobs? i'm sorry, that's ridiculous. now that that's out of the way, i've trained for (but not run b/c of knee injuries) 2 marathons, and as a general rule for both men and women, if you're running THAT much, yes, you will lose some muscle. however, if you do like dani suggested and cut down on the amount of cardio that you do and keep proper nutrition, it isn't a problem. this is true with any type of cardio. if you do too much of it and don't fuel your body correctly, you're going to take losses where you'd like to see mainetnance or gains. anyway, that guy doesn't know what he's talking about and you shouldn't listen to him. seriously, i've got a dumbbell cocked and ready for his noggin...:angry: -------------- success comes before work only in the dictionary. that's right. |
Joined: 2001/12/13 |
2004/05/21, 04:24 PM
That's why he is a juice bar guy and not a personal trainer (LOL)! :big_smile:-------------- **_Robert_** Pain is temporary; glory is forever! E-mail: rpacheco@freetrainers.com |
Joined: 2004/04/09 |
2004/05/21, 08:01 PM
That's why he is a juice bar guy and not anything successful. That's horrible. I run almost every day I work out, and half the time there is this trainer that works at the gym I go to that is gorgeous, and she is RUNNING!! Not walking. If what she is doing is wrong, I don't wanna be right.-------------- Listen to the Deftones |
Joined: 2003/02/03 |
2004/05/22, 12:00 PM
Lol! You guys are hilarious!! Howdiekat, I'll throw it at his head for ya!! Seriously! I really hate it when people try to give advice and later I realize it was false! And it really screws me up because since I'm not a pro or anything, I tend to accept any advice. But thank the Lord for this website with all of you who actually know what they're talking about...i hope so anyways!! So I will go on with running, but i'll take your advice and do shorter sessions. Thanks guys!!:big_smile:
Joined: 2004/04/09 |
2004/05/23, 06:18 AM
The funny thing about advice is that the worst of it usually comes unsolicited. I fear that the advice given, as poor as it was, might have been a rash attempt at moving a few more units of OJ a week. -------------- Listen to the Deftones |
Joined: 2001/10/19 |
2004/05/24, 01:50 AM
Hi Diana
Well I can only say what the others have said already; this juice guy doesn't really know what he's saying so forget about his words. Okey now what can happen from running; - You loose fat with cardio, weight training and diet: you risk to loose a breast size. - You don't wear a good bra: you're risking to "weaken" your breast muscles from all the impacts and the breasts might loose some firmness :( (just put on a GOOD bra and no risks or problems any longer!) - You do too much cardio and don't eat enough calories or enough proteins: you're risking loosing lean muscle mass And finally - Now WHY should there be any difference between men or women run?!! :surprised: We are made of exactly the same tissue so absolutely NOTHING to change there....... I've been running for years... I love it. Also look at the female running athletes in TV -they got absolutely GREAT bodies!!! :) -------------- - Nina :o) Les Victoires éternelles sont celles du coeur. www.nme-pro.com |