Group: New Members Greet & Meet - Introduce yourself

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Newbie -- bunch of questions

Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/05/21
United States
2004/05/21, 04:01 PM
I posted this in fitness also, just wanted to post it on two board for better chance of response...

Hey everyone. Been reading the boards for a bit and I have found a lot of great info. I have some questions I was hoping I could get answered. First of all, I will give some general info about my routine:

First of all, I am 32 and I started working out about 5 years ago because I was getting really fat. I had NEVER worked out in my life and I never played sports or anything else like that. I partied a lot during college and always ate whatever I wanted. I am 6-3 and I was up to about 235-240 pounds with no muscle.

I made a New Year's resolution to start working out and basically taught myself. It was slow going at first but I stuck with it and I probably average 3-4 times a week at the gym for about 1 1/2 hours each time. I am in much better shape now -- I weigh about 220 and I have decent muscle definition. Tons better than before, when I see my old friends from college they are like "damn, you've gotten big!"

I feel like I kind have reached my peak. I try and switch up my routine and I try new exercises all the time. I'll have to admit, my diet isn't great. I TRY and eat good (much better than I used to) but my diet isn't the greatest. Plus, I like my cold Budweiser on the weekend.

I have decided to try supplements since I had never tried them before and I think they would be beneficial. Here's what I bought:

--Myotrophy Chelated Creatine Phosphate by Anabolic Solutions
--GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein
--An Alpha Lipoic Acid pill (not sure what this does, the guy at Nutri-Sport told me I should take it with the creatine)

I have been making a protein shake (soy milk, one scoop of when and some fruit and fat free yogurt) BEFORE my workout and then drinking the creatine with water AFTER my workout. I have not been using the Creatine on my off days (this is one of my major questions, is this right?). I am also wondering if that is good for me to drink the shake before my workout. I found it gives me energy for my workout.

My workouts consist of 45 minutes of weights (3-4 sets of each exercise, I work out one body part each day and do biceps and back on the same day) I usually do about 12 sets a week for each body part. I don't work legs, I rollerblade and do a lot of cardio (30 min each workout) and ride my bike so I have never been interested.

My abs are a big trouble spot. I have a really bad back which has limited my weightlifting recently. There are a lot of exercises I don't do anymore because of my back (I don't mess with heavy dumbells any more, sometimes just bringing them to the bench will tweak my back) I started an intense abs program but it seemed to take out my back to the point that I couldn't work out anymore until it felt better. I do a lot of stretches for my back but I never realized that abs could be such a strain on your back.

If anyone could give me some pointers on anything I am doing right/wrong it would be much appreciated. Like I said, I taught myself everything I know about this so some of it may be way off. Thanks for your help in advance.
Posts: 3,770
Joined: 2001/12/13
United States
2004/05/21, 04:16 PM
Hopefully I can help address some of your concerns:

1) The ALA (alpha lipoic acid) will help your body transport the creatine as it raises your insulin level for better uptake.
2) Most of the attainment of your goals will come down to your diet. When this suffers, your goal(s) will, too.
3) You can take your creatine before working out and during your off days. That is recommended.
4) Your protein shake should be taken post-workout as this is the opportune time for immediate nutrient absorption.
5) I have a bad lower back as well. If you want chiseled abs (i.e. 6-pack), you'll need to work with weights. If you only want to flatten your abs, then you can limit your ab workouts to using just your bodyweight.

You can also limit your back workouts and stick with moderate weights instead of going heavy. Just perform compound exercises (i.e. deadlifts) and you should be ok.

Good luck!

Pain is temporary; glory is forever!

Posts: 3
Joined: 2004/05/21
United States
2004/05/21, 05:25 PM
Thanks rpacheco! Sorry about the double post also... Yes, I know my diet is key. the beauty of it is I eat like such a horse that I can cut a little bit out here and there and I have found it makes a big difference...