2004/06/21, 04:45 PM
I got a weight bench for Christmas last year. It has a Lat tower, bench (for normal and incline bench press). It also has a leg extension that lets me do leg extensions and let curls.
I also have two dumbbells where you add weights so you can adjust its weight.
I started lifting when I got my bench but I stopped after a month or so afterwards. I then picked it up again, and then I stopped., and this repeated until now.
I am now determined to stick with it, but I need some help. I am really skinny. If I suck in my stomach I can count all my ribs. I weight around 160 and I'm 6'3 feet tall. I want to gain a lot of muscles. I'm not hoping for overnight results. But hopefully in 3 months there will be some definite visible results.
I plan on doing Benchpress, curls, lat pull-downs, crunches, leg curls and leg extensions. I need help. I am a complete noob and I'm not sure if I have sets and reps mixt up, but I want to know if I should do a few reps over a lot of sets, or a lot of reps over a few sets. What is best for trying to build muscles?
Also, Should I do each workout every other day. Say I bench/crunches/leg curls on monday, wed, friday
Curls/Lat pull-downs/ Leg extensions on tues, thurs, sat
and rest on sunday?
Or do I need a few days rest in-between working out a certain part of my body to allow my muscles to re-grow?
I have spent the last few hours searching through the forum for previous posts and I have already found out a lot. This site is amazing!