Right after my workout I do about 20 minutes of cardio. Later that day I will do 30 minutes of cardio with my football team. I know you arn't sapposed to do cardio after your workout, but do you think 20 minutes will really affect my recovery time that much? Any feedback is really appreciated.
I was doing cardio before my workouts and running out of gas on my lifts. I now do 10 min of cardio pre work out and finish off with 20-30 post work out and feel much beter when I lift (going heavier). The lifting has no effect on my cardio, maybe just a few ticks off the normal pace but I feel it is worth the trade off.
actually, doing cardio after do lift is a very good time to do it. while you may sacrafice some precious time to get carbs (ATP) to your muscles, your muscles are so depleted of glycogen that it should not hinder you recovery.