2004/06/23, 03:13 PM
Hello all. I'm new here and I'd like some advice. I am 15 and am in fantastic shape. I am 5'7 and weight 135, all muscle. I never was really serious about weight training until now. I have a few questions. First, I am skinny but really muscular, I want to add more mass and have realistic expictations, I take supplements and weight gainers. I just need a little advice on a diet and workout.
Few questions.
1. When do I know my workout is effective? Is being sore needed?
2. I am skinny and my metabolism is like no other, I can eat anything, and I mean naything and won't gain an ounce. So if I eat junk food and supplements and weight gainers and workout hard, will this all be in my advantage?
3. Should I run alot or not because I am trying to gain weight, not lose it. So run alot or no?
If anyone could help me that would be great. Thankx!
2004/06/23, 03:17 PM
Hello and welcome to FT...
I can answer some of those for ya, I think....
1 - No, you don't have to be sore for a good workout... I don't know if you can tell immediately or if you know you've had good work out by watching the muscles grow over time... being exhausted at the end might be a good way to tell...
2 - I believe sooner or later that eating junk food will catch up with you eventually... I was the same way... ate everything and anything... guess what.. it caught up with me... but not everybody is the same, so you might be lucky enough! But I would still suggest cleaning up the diet...
3 - Not sure about the running...
-------------- Tim
I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies, for the hardest victory is over self. - Aristotle
You have the power to change a life right in your own hands. - Paul Brandt
2004/06/23, 03:21 PM
I'd say running once or twice a week, just for good cardio health would be ok, no more than a mile though.
As for the junk food, just cause you don't gain anything doesn't mean its not affecting you. Burger king, MC d's eat them all you want, but it may clog your arteries, and eventually your metoblism will slow down. PLus those are "empty" calories......nothing much nutretionally in it your body needs. If you can't watch it being cooked, or made don't eat it. Work out eat a healthy diet about 4 to 5 smaller meals a day. Take yoru priten drinks, and drink plenty of water.......
-------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened
......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn
2004/06/23, 03:30 PM
Thanks for the post guys. Also, if I stick to a great workout, like the workout plan this site gives you and never miss a day and always try my best, how long would it take me to gain 30 pounds of muscle? And I have always wondered, I am skinny, do I need to gain fat to turn it into muscle, or can I just workout and gain muscle? Thanks again!
2004/06/23, 03:35 PM
IF you consume extra calories at anytime you will gain a lil bit of fat. For every 5 or 6 lbs of muscle you may gain 1 to 3 lbs of fat depending on your routine metoblism etc. I gain muscle mass relitivly easy a slong a smy calories aren't to high. 30lbs is hard to say........its taken me about 8 months to gain about 20 good quality pounds. It won't be fast I promise you, you won't wake up one day with 18in arms sorry but its true. Just give it time and don't rush, mor eyou rush more body fat you will add.
-------------- .......adversity causes some to break, but others to break records!
......minds are not vessles to be filled, but fires to be enlightened
......Confucious once said ,DO NOT play leap frog with a unicorn