2001/11/27, 09:00 PM
I can't find any type of exercise to help in the growth of my triceps. My arms are bicep dominated and I want to get some proportion. If you have any ideas please post them.
2001/11/27, 09:36 PM
2 excercises that have worked the best for me are skull crushers and close-grip presses. Skull crushers (lying tricep extentions) are my favorite excercise in my entire routine. Go heavy on this excercise! But before you go too heavy, you need to get a good technique down: Some people only bring the bar to their forehead; try going to the crown of the skull for an extra stretch. When I reach failure on my last 2 sets, I immediately drop the bar to my chest and crank out as many close-grip presses as I can. This superset is just what your tri's need. After that, I add more weight and do an additional 2-3 sets of close-grip presses. I go good and heavy on these sets and I struggle to push out 2-6 reps per set. After that, I usually do a couple sets of cable pressdowns, kickbacks, or some other excercise that completely burns my tri's out. Try this workout for a month and you may see some results. I definately have, so that's why I'm sharing this with you. Good luck!
2001/11/28, 03:04 AM
I like the dips and cable push downs and they give muscle mass. If you want to grow a muscle you have to work with it in many different ways. Don't always use the same exercise, number of sets or reps. Challenge and provoke the muscle. Try to go to the limits (dooon't hurt yourself though!)and of course eat the right fuel for your nicely growing muscles. Luck to you!
2001/11/30, 02:59 PM
Do lots of compound excercises like close-grip presses, skull crushers, tricep extensions, etc.. Stay away from isolation excercises and make sure that you are not overtraining your triceps, which many people do. Also don't forget about the details like proper nutrition and rest. Best of luck -Sweeny (Bodybuilder & Athlete)
2001/12/02, 10:58 AM
do more of tricep pushdowns and extensions