2004/08/20, 05:07 PM
I copied this post from the new members introduction section, as this board fits my topic better. Having staed the subject topic above, I'm looking to be pointed in the right direction. Refer to my fitness and nutrition plan for more info.
As new member of 08-19-04, I am currently in my 9th week of a Men's Health Book - fitness program. This workout routine focus on the large muscle groups without the use of weights. In addition, abdominal exercises are important too.
According to calculators, my ideal weight should be 190-lbs. Currently, I am at 200-lbs. I am 43-years-old, 6'-2.5" tall, and possess the filled-out physique of an ectomorph - meaning broader shoulders and hips. However, I would like to improve my overall body shape with more muscle while loosing some mid-section fat. The last few weeks, I have had trouble loosing any additional weight - if my goal should be to reach 190-lbs. Perhaps, what fat is being lost is soon replaced with muscle?
As a further note, I would like to improve my body shape by muscle-building. So I'm inclined to screw the 'ideal' weight, for I'd be happy with 200-lb to 210-lb, if it gave me the body shape I desire.
So far, it has been difficult to make sense of all the information and advice available either through books or online. I'd like to come up with a muscle-building and nutritional plan to achieve my goals. I have no problems with weighing 200-210lbs, if the body shape is right.
I appreciate any points in the right direction, that the more experienced members of this board may provide. Thanks for your interest in responding. Mark
2004/08/20, 05:11 PM
I would suggest that you keep your calories at a maintenance level or above, and lift very heavy and lift 1 or 2 muscle groups per day, Also keep your cardio at around 20-30 mins per day, that should help you improve your body shape a lot , and keep your weight the same... My husband and I have a really good workout plan if your interested...:dumbbell: