Group: Beginners to Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 970, Messages: 18927

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time off does it work?

Posts: 21
Joined: 2004/07/22
United States
2004/08/25, 09:59 AM
I am new to weight training and have been doing this for abotu 4 months now. I recently because of scheduling issues I have had to take some time off from cardio and weights, not long maybe a week will go by before I work out then I start back up for a day or so then another week goes by. I have noticed weight coming off where as before it was just inches. Is this ok for me? any opinions on this
2004/08/25, 10:16 AM
Your muscles grow and your body recovers with time off. A week off every 6 to 9 weeks is very benificial. Keep your diet the same and enjoy the rest.

Dances with Buffalos
