Group: Experienced Exercise

Created: 2012/01/01, Members: 50, Messages: 19484

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Mass Program ?s.

Posts: 86
Joined: 2002/05/03
United States
2002/05/11, 01:35 AM
Will I have less results if I use a smith machine for: barbell press, squats...? Also when I input the poundage used for dumbells, should I put the combined weight of both or the weight of one?

Vaya con Dios... Keith
Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2002/05/11, 09:43 AM
Freeweights in my opinion are better overall for muscle stimulation, however if performed correctly you can get much of the smith machine..

I would suggest you use single weight of each dumbell rather than the combined. It's upto you, just be consistent when you enter the weight into the database so that the charts are accurate.

.o0 Arnold 0o...o0 0o.
Posts: 343
Joined: 2002/04/21
United States
2002/05/11, 05:04 PM
Is it ok to use the seated row machine instead of a bent over row while following the mass building rountine here at ft?
Just for a little variety?
Posts: 3,770
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United States
2002/05/13, 10:19 AM
Qualters, you can always substitute.

Posts: 86
Joined: 2002/05/03
United States
2002/05/20, 01:58 AM
Are the mass program's exercises ever gonna change???. I don't like doing the same exact thing week after week... I also miss some of my favorite exercises( bench press, pull downs, preacher curls...). Also: I LOST WEIGHT instead of gaining. I should have gained at least 2 or 3 lbs but instead I lost almost 2lbs!

I'll give it about 3 more weeks.. Then i'll have to resort to more drastic measures lol!

Vaya con Dios... Keith
Posts: 1,112
Joined: 2000/11/27
2002/05/20, 10:10 AM

what was your body fat % then and now? What is your EXACT diet.. if you're not taking in atleast 1.2 gram of healthy protein for each pound of bodyweight.. you WILL lose weight.

Let me know..

.o0 Arnold 0o...o0 0o.
Posts: 86
Joined: 2002/05/03
United States
2002/05/20, 01:28 PM
The body fat calculator here at ft is the only source I have to calculate my bf%. According to it my bf% is 11% with my stomach pushed out, and 6% with my stomach sucked in.But this calculator doesn't factor in the height of a person... This is basically the same as when I started. I can't find all the measurements I took when I started so I guess i'll have to take them again. The only gains I have made are in strength. My EXACT Diet would be very hard to layout because I eat so many different things, but I will write down everything I eat today and keep you updated. I am sure that each day i eat at LEAST 3100cal and 200g of protein.

Vaya con Dios... Keith
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2002/05/20, 01:50 PM
Keith - have you plugged your nutrition info into ft's tracker? I THOUGHT I had a fair idea of my calorie intake but was slowly but surely losing weight and I didn't want to. It turned out that I was almost 1000 calories under what ft indicated for me.
Posts: 1,226
Joined: 2002/03/07
United States
2002/05/20, 03:37 PM
I strongly suggest that you try to keep a log. It's a very tedious process, but it works great for me. I have a notebook that goes with me everywhere and I track the nutritional values of everything I eat. I thought I got my diet down to a science so I stopped using it for about a week, and found that after a few days I was waaay off my goals again. Also this way you can get used to exactly how your body reacts to specific foods.

And my soul must be iron, because my fear is naked. I'm naked and fearless.
Posts: 966
Joined: 2001/10/31
United States
2002/05/20, 08:09 PM
Cain, I've had the same experience. I have to really plan out my meals, otherwise I'm way over on carbs and way low on protein. I wonder if my mind and my body will ever learn to keep me adjusted without having to plan ahead of time.
Posts: 1,585
Joined: 2002/01/09
United States
2002/05/20, 08:14 PM
Just a suggestion but there's a bunch of protein bar recipes on the nutrition thread. They range from hi to lo protein and carb. It's hard for most of us to get the time to eat as many meals as we need to. I've tried a lot of the recipes on there and they taste good, are easy to store and don't cost very much. I doubt if my boss would appreciate it either if I took three meal breaks during the day. :)
Posts: 1,226
Joined: 2002/03/07
United States
2002/05/20, 11:20 PM
Yeah, Lifestyle is a big factor in ones progress. As Mike pointed out some of us have jobs where we can eat while we work, and some don't. My biggest problem is getting in enough meals. I never go over, I'm always under.
I think that once you have eaten to your goals for a long enough period of time you will be able to know more or less where you are at. Your body will tell you. It's learning to listen to it that is the challenge.

And my soul must be iron, because my fear is naked. I'm naked and fearless.
Posts: 408
Joined: 2002/03/13
United States
2002/05/21, 03:05 PM
A meal suggestion. I am in a situation at work where i move around often (network support) and cannot always eat when I need to. I have found a fairly economical way to get nearly 1000 calories on the run - or at the desk, at least once a day.

Here it is:
3 General Mills Milk n Cereal Bars (Cheerios, Cin Toast Crunch, Chex). Per bar - 40 carbs, 6 grams protein, 4 grams fat, 180 calories.
2 cans Slim Fast
Per can - 40 carbs, 10 grams protein, 3 grams fat, 220 calories.

The cereals bars can be purchased in bulk at a Sams Club, or from Costco (Price Club) - 18 for $7.99.

Slim Fast is around $5 per 6 pack.

In all you are looking at 980 calories, 200 carbs, 38 grams of protein, and 18 grams of fat. You can add a scoop of Whey protein if you have the means at work to up the protein.

There is a 1000 calories you can tote around or have in your drawer.
Posts: 893
Joined: 2002/05/09
El Salvador
2002/05/23, 10:12 PM
In my exercie porgram there´s no forearms exercice. that means i can do whatever i want?
there´s no trapezius exercice neither. it´s not even mentioned. when do i have to work my trapezius what exercice do i have to do and how many reps?

Being brave doesn´t mean not to be afraid, even though you have it, face it.