2002/05/14, 01:10 AM
After each rep of a deadlift should you return to the same starting position? Meaning legs bent weight on the ground. Thanks! I am bending my legs and using them during the lift and am almost placing the weight on the ground after EACH REP. I see so many different ways the deadlift is performed at the gym. Please someone give me the play by play on how YOU perform a deadlift....THANKS! BQ
2002/05/14, 01:18 AM
No don't place down the barbell on the ground while doing your reps, only do this in between your sets. Why? Because you need to keep the tension in your hamstrings to get a better work out.
If you are very flexible and you don't really feel the stretch in your legs (here talking about straight leg dead lifts....) then try these two things: first concentrate hard on contracting your hamstrings and buttocks, secondly try to sort of push your hips out in front of you (suck in your bum!!) and you'll feel a better stretch.
Now, I hoped this helped a little.
-------------- - Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
2002/05/14, 03:10 PM
I have found, due to my flexibility, that I have a very difficult time getting the burn in my bum (as Philia put it) and my hams. I have only been able to get that burn when sticking my rear further out (as in squatting). It works for me.
2002/05/14, 05:31 PM
PHILIA thanks soo much! HELPED me A BUNCH!
2002/05/15, 01:03 AM
Ischjli, yes you can also do the opposite as I said and then stick out your bum (instead of sucking in the darn thing) but be very careful with your lower back. What you are doing can help you to get a further stretch on your hams, but you put a major stress on your lower back.
-------------- - Nina :o) La vie est toujours aussi belle.....
2002/05/15, 02:00 PM
Philia, Thank you, that explains it. I AM feeling it big time, but in 2 places. My lower back and my hams. The lower back fatique is very annoying. I will modify according to your recommendations and see how it goes.
2002/05/15, 03:17 PM
I myself am ttrying to work my lower back more then my hams. Would i still use this same approach Philia?