2004/11/10, 04:28 PM
i advised this friend like 2 months ago in his diet.
he is not fat but wantes to get ripped.
the problem is it seems that his middle part dont go away.
he has now ripped arms and legs, but belly still there, and it doesnt seem to get any smaller at all... specially on his back middle section.
two weelks ago i told him to be patient and wait a lil´ bit longer, that thats only fat and will get away.
but the fat still there. he doesnt want to lose weight anymore because he thinks he will be losing too much fat.
he do abs and oblics. and he is now desesperate.
i told him i will ask you guys and see what happend.
2004/11/10, 06:26 PM
"afraid to lose MUSCLE" not fat... of course
2004/11/12, 01:37 PM
Is he losing weight and his stomach isn't getting smaller, or is he not losing weight? If he's not losing weight at all, he's got to change his diet or exercise. If he's still losing weight and his stomach doesn't seem to be getting smaller, he likely just needs to give it more time.
Tell him to start taking weekly measurements in the morning and see if it's getting smaller or not.
2004/11/12, 04:05 PM
he is losng weight and he is getting ripper and ripper, but his belly doesnt look likes it is getting any smaller.
i was thinking on maybe focus on more exercises in order to make more musle growth. you know that more msucle burns more fat.
but i dont know, if fat still there, no matter how much you train that area, you wont see muscle.
thats the problem
2004/11/12, 04:40 PM
I've kind of got the same problem as your friend. My BMI is low and I don't look fat at all but my belly is flabby and my hips are, but the rest of me is ok. When I asked for advice off these guys on here they told me to keep a clean diet high in protein and only eat complex carbs plus keep doing my training. If your friend has only been doing this a couple of months then his tummy isn't magically going to burn away in such a short time. I asked people on here how long it took them to get lean and they said roughly 9 months to a year. So I think your friend should just keep doing what he's doing and the fat will burn away but it might take awhile. Also tell him to take measurements of his body fat percentage and then see if it goes down.
2004/11/13, 10:58 AM
thats make sense yes...
alothu it hurt your muscle a lot. big sacrifice
2004/11/13, 03:14 PM
Well it doesn't have to hurt your muscles if you get plenty of protein in your diet. I think that your friend shouldn't lower his calorie intake anymore and should just keep his diet clean plus keep to complex carbs. The remainder of his fat can be burnt away through weight training and cardio.