2004/12/14, 02:54 AM
Have recently started back on weight training after getting married, getting pregnant and miscarrying, which left me rather tubby.
Have allocated myself 3 months to get back into shape(great shape) b4 attempting to conceive again, as I don't want to get fat while being pregnant and not be able to lose it again.
I have gained alot of knowledge on high protein diets, nutrition etc from this site, it had been the most user friendly site yet!.
I have recently bought a treadmill so that I can do cardio in the morning b4 work, as I start work too early to go to the gym.
I am planning on starting work later so that I can do weights in the morning b4 work, 4 mornings a week, then do 20 mins cardio in the evening. Would the hill programs be sufficient cardio exercise?.
I am approx 162pds 5'6" 32yrs young, and getting younger every year.