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martial arts burnout?

Posts: 99
Joined: 2003/11/07
2005/01/06, 01:50 AM
Well, I've been to two karate-do classes and my arms hurt/burn! I've stopped cardio, just 10 mins stationary jogging at the end of my workout. Would karate-do actually burn my muscle? I try do exercise on non karate-do days, but sometimes I cannot...are my gains at the gym lost???
Posts: 5,146
Joined: 2002/10/21
United States
2005/01/06, 11:00 AM
When I took karate when i wa syounger, I didn't find it really that difficult, except for the being flexable part. Howeve rif you find it to be more like a cardio work out, i'd stop the cardio in the gym that is. Let the karate be your cardio the 2 times a week or whatever. Maybe take some l glutaman to help with recovery and drink a protein shake after karate class. Just keep the calories up.

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Posts: 14
Joined: 2005/02/22
United States
2005/02/23, 09:43 AM
Oh man when I was doing Tae Kwon Do I was so sore afterwards. It was really bad. I was doing it every day and after about a week it just fell into a regular pattern and I was so sore. Except when I got hit but thats different. I didn't lose any muscle when I was doing it, in fact I gained muscle from all the push ups I had to do. So who knows. Im doing hockey and lacrosse right now and I don't have a problem except that Im sleeping a lot LOL. Hope this helps. :big_smile:
Posts: 576
Joined: 2004/06/14
United States
2005/02/25, 12:26 PM
Yes. Martial Arts works the muscles differently than in the gym. That's why you are burning after just two classes.

You are holding your arms up in fighting position, which is contracting the should muscles. However, unlike in the gym, you hold them there for minutes at a time instead of seconds. It's a totally different workout. I know I only picked one muscle to discuss, but they are all like that. You are punching and doing set of 10 (probably) at full strength/speed but with now weight. Keep at it. Your body will get used to it.

They say only about 3% make it to Black Belt. It's a lot of work. More so than a college degree.

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Posts: 11
Joined: 2005/03/08
United States
2005/03/08, 09:30 PM
Its a great idea to do martial arts because it uses ur muslces differently than something you would get in the gym. I am a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and I think it really helped me get stronger and more flexible

Go Roxana Shells-once a shell always a shell
Posts: 10
Joined: 2005/04/18
United States
2005/04/18, 06:05 AM
Your muscles burn for a while after you start cause your not used to using them I had that problem for about a week after I first started, but after that I was fine. If anyone experiences it for more than a few weeks them you might want to have it checked out.