Group: Beginners to Exercise

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Do I Do Right?

Posts: 180
Joined: 2005/02/26
2005/02/26, 09:43 PM

I'm Maxime, I'm 20.
I d'like to know if I train right, if not, I d'like you to give me some advices...

How I'm now: 60 kilos, 176 cm, not really strong (like 95 pounds on bench press max.)

What do I take: I'm taking Creatine (EAS Pro), Glutamine (Eas), Nitrix (BSN) and Serious Mass (1250 callories, 50 gr protein.

What's my goal: right now 64 kilos and less than 8% of body fat (I'm 176 cm tall).In one year, 68 kilos and less than 6% of body fat.

How do I train: I train everyday for four mounth like this:

Day 1: Chest / Triceps
Day 2: Schoulders / Traps
Day 3: Back / Biceps

Like this again and again, sometimes I take one day to do only biceps and triceps.
I also train my abs everyday (1 hour)

So, do I do right? Do i have to change something? Tell me please!

Ah yes, I saw lot of changement till now and four mounth ago but It's been really hard to me to gain weight and I still don't know if I do right...

My e-mail if you want to tell me some tips:

Excuse my english i m french!
2005/02/27, 12:48 AM
you should be training only 3-5 times a week....7 days a week is WAY TOO're overtraining this is why your progression has stopped....

as a beginner you also don't need all those are getting little out of them...just stick to clean nutrition, heavy lifting, and 8+ hours of sleep.... Abs are like every other muscle, so you need to train it 1-2 times a week and no more....You should also train each body part only once a week...

what's your intensity like? how many sets and reps do you do? whenever you finish a set for certain reps...can you do any more?

you are also not training is ESSENTIAL that you do....your body produces most testosterone while you train your legs with exercises like it not only helps your legs it helps with all other muscles....

I would also not do chest and shoulders in a row...because you have less strength the following day for a bodypart that was also utilized day before....when you train chest you also train shoulders/triceps....and vice make sure u ahve at least a day in between....
Posts: 426
Joined: 2003/12/08
2005/02/27, 02:43 AM
for any beginer just starting out i would really recomend doing SQUATS and DEADLIFTS just think about it the bigger your legs, lower back and back are the more youd be able to support front on with your chest shoulders and arms.

I 2nd what menace says you definetnly dont need all them supplemtns for just starting out also your goals are to gain muscle but lose fat? i dont know any programs or food that allows you to do that at the same time less your on some sort of drugs... stick to one goal gaining mass then lossing it in cycles if you dont want to gain as MUCH fatty mass then have a cleaner diet.. but as your starting out supplements wont do as great a deal .. and try to work around a frame first deads squats and benching movements will do great for begining try to train 3-5 days to..