2005/03/03, 08:06 PM
First off I would just like to say that this is a great site. I cant believe all the info that can be found here.
I am 6"1' and weigh about 233lbs. and am hoping to drop about 30 pounds or so.
Now to my question, is it okay for me to eat minimal amounts of food. I work and go to school so eating 6 meals a day for me is impossible, I just dont have the time. Also I take a medication for depression that supresses my appetite.
I am currently probally only eating about 1200 calories a day. I feel fine with it and am not hungry at all.
So my question is, is my diet plus daily exercise a good weight loss plan, or am I doing it all wrong?
thanks for reading...chris
2005/03/03, 09:23 PM
Good news and bad news. First welcome to freetrainers Chris, thats the good news.
The bad news......Your calories are way to low for your body. Even just to drop 30 lbs you need to consume at least 3000 calories a day.
Your loss of appetite is causing the not hungry feeling from the pills as you say. Do you exercise?
Right now the way you are feeding your body, you are losing muscle and important nutrients. Your body is in starvation mode (dangerous in long term) and is hanging on to your body fat. Try upping your calories gradually, like 250-500/day.
If you are not exercising, I strongly suggest you start.
Eventually with regular exercise etc, you might just find yourself feeling better all around.
Hope this helps.
-------------- Scales are for dead weight: We are not dead yet!
Still trying to find out how to do the Hollywood Free Press.
Montreal Canada
2005/03/03, 09:59 PM
thanks for the reply carivan.
I do exercise daily. I do a 30 min cardio run and then a bit of weight training.I also take a multi vitiman daily.
I guess my main question is, if my calorie intake stays low will it cause problems with the weight loss?
2005/03/03, 10:04 PM
Absolutely, and it will slow down (you will spin your wheels) your hard weight training also.
Also, switch your cardio to after the weights .
-------------- Scales are for dead weight: We are not dead yet!
Still trying to find out how to do the Hollywood Free Press.
Montreal Canada
2005/03/03, 11:54 PM
thanks again for the help carivan. looks like i need to make lots of changes.
i got one last question i gotta ask. Is it okay for me to eat peanutbutter? The reason I ask is I am hoping I can to gain some "easy" calories.
2005/03/04, 12:03 AM
hey kata im recently new also, id like to give you some advice for loosing weight, drink some water and stick to a healthy diet exercise regularly but water is soooo essentiel. reduce total bodyfat and ul be realy happy with your body's appearance.
2005/03/04, 02:07 AM
Thanks for the advice.:) Atleast that is one thing I am doing right. I am drinking tons of water, it is almost all I drink.
Quoting from italian_boxer:
hey kata im recently new also, id like to give you some advice for loosing weight, drink some water and stick to a healthy diet exercise regularly but water is soooo essentiel. reduce total bodyfat and ul be realy happy with your body's appearance.
2005/03/04, 09:54 AM
Welcome to FT and good luck with your goals! Ivan is right and has made some great strides with his health so I would heed his words, he wouldn't steer you wrong!!
Healthy diet and exercise, making sure you are getting the energy/calories you need in a day, all add up to good health!!
-------------- Veda
***When you are up to your ears in trouble, try using the part that is not submerged.
***The difference between a dream and a goal is a plan.