2005/03/10, 02:49 PM
Okay, I know stretch marks are permanent but has anyone out there used vitamin E oil? (I hear it helps) If so has it deminished the appearance significantly that you can actually show off your tummy? I'm on the training schedule and hopefully will be able to show my tummy again some day :^) without the noticable stretch marks.
2005/03/11, 08:20 AM
stretch marks fade with time and almost completely disappear eventually....it does take a long time...cocoa butter cream is pretty good....E oil does help a little also...but it takes so long to help you have to wonder if it's helping or if thes stretch marks fade with time on their own...ie placebo effect....
2005/03/11, 08:27 AM
Keep well hydrated as well...hydration for the skin comes from the inside out. It comes down to how much elasticity your skin still has. Most of my stretch marks faded fairly well...Except one on my shoulder but it looks more like a scar...so a good childhood bike injury often covers it ;) Don't worry the do fade and become less and less visible.
2005/03/11, 03:51 PM
Thanks for the advise, however my stretch marks are from pregnancy 7 years ago, the redness has faded nothing else though. Still very noticable.......but I'm off to get some cocoa butter cream.
2005/03/12, 12:45 AM
My stretch marks have faded a bit, but they are still very unsightly. I bought some scar type of ointment that is supposed to be applied no more than 4 times a day (Who has time for that?). Do you think that would help? And is there a specific brand of cocoa butter?
2005/03/13, 04:29 PM
I have heard that primrose oil helps stretch marks...
2005/04/26, 09:50 PM
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2005/05/02, 05:06 PM
I have had three kids and have tried just about everything to get rid of my stretch marks and nothing has worked and I spent a lot of money on various "remedies" I know it sucks I have them everywhere but time fades them a lot and I stopped worrying about mine so much
2005/05/08, 06:47 PM
I have heard of a lot of "cures" and "remedies" but I have heard far more testimonies that "although strech marks may fade to white they're never going to go away."
I think bcurtis23 hit the nail on the head. I've never met anyone who's had real success getting rid of stretch marks.
They're just something we have to consider honourable in the same way a warrior brandishes his/her battle scars!