2005/04/16, 07:10 PM
The max for my chest is about 130.
In a small part of my chest, in the middle, is boney as hell. Is there any specific for that part of the chest. Or should i just continue doing pushups and bench presses.
2005/04/16, 07:14 PM
some exercises you can use to target the inner portion of your pectorals are close grip bench press, cable crossover flys, or pec deck. pushups and bench press are gonna be fine for overall pec development, but those other 3 target the center specifically.
2005/04/16, 07:27 PM
If i do a push up but instead of having a wide grip i make it a close grip. Would it focus more on my middle chest.
2005/04/16, 08:27 PM
yup that would work too
2005/04/17, 03:26 PM
nope, i dont think any amount of weight training will help that, a covering of fat would get rif of it if im thinking of what your laking about. is it the middle at the bottom of the pectorals between the muscles?
-------------- driving to eat a carvel cake
2005/04/17, 04:00 PM
i have a natural boniness to my chest in the center.. i think its called 'pigeon chest'. that what you're thinking pritchard?
2005/04/19, 10:59 AM
indeedio, yes it is a pidgeon chest, i didnt want to say it cos it sounds a bit insulting, but what the hey. i have it and there is no amount of chest workouts that will get rid or it, as there is no muscle on that spot..
-------------- driving to eat a carvel cake