I know I should search in the fitBuddy but I didn't find out what i expected...
So, it's been six mounth that I gain weight (20 pounds). But now, I'm beginning upset with my fat (should be 12 percent). I d'like to be 8 percent bf again.
How to do, how long, am i going to lose muscle?
2005/04/17, 12:42 AM
Yea so you should start to cut calories by 100-300.....mostly from simple and overall carbs....
-increase protein intake to 1.5g per lb of bodyweight
-also take fish oil supplement...this will help you keep more muscle
-if you got money....you can try BCAA it will also will help you keep more muscle while dieting....
but you'll still end up losing 'some' muscle...can't avoid it...but you can work on how much muscle you end up losing...if you do the 3 suggestions I gave you ...it will be less than more....
drink gallon of water....
this will take you a while...you need to cut calories slow because otherwise you'll star tto lose a lot of muscle....so jsut cut 100-300 calories...try less than more if that doesn't work...then keep up that caloric intake level for a few weeks...and repeat...one or however many times until you're seeing the results you want...
you can also step up cardio...if you do then just cut calories less...and do 30-45 moderate/intense cardio sessions 2-3 days a week....