2005/04/19, 09:42 AM
Hi all,
I am a 20 y/o male and just got started into the dieting/working out world, and this is my first week using FT, and I think it is great! I have been going to the gym for almost a month now, and this site is really going to change the workout plan that I originally had, as it was getting me nowhere.
I am currently 5'9 and 175 pounds, and want to lose body fat and get lean. Abs first, then toning everything else. I am on Lexapro, an anti-depressant, to calm my attitude down, it works, but it is making me gain wait. I have the MaxOut Body Fat Burner pills on the way, and with FT's workout plan and Nutrition plan, I think I will start to see the results, hopefully!!!