2005/04/27, 12:55 PM
Well, Ive been on the mass program for almost 3 weeks now and have noticed good improvements in my bench press and chest size. However, I dont feel as though the bicep,back exercises are enough. Is there anyone that could help me with a back and bicep exercise routine. I dont think my biceps have very good endurance becuae they wear real quick. I cant see mto get he deadlift technique down(ka I jsut dont know how to do it properly). Im 6'1 182lbs. My exercise schedule is:
Monday Chest/abs
Tuesday Legs and basketball
Wednesday SHoulders and back
THurdsay Rest (maybe abs)
Friday Biceps and Triceps
Saturday Basketball
I have uped my cal intake and have noticed good gains(Im bulking and then im gonna tone in 12 weeks). It jsut feels as though im not working these muscle groups enough. I see people doing biceps 2-3 times a week with like 4 different exercises and sets.
2005/04/27, 02:53 PM
kill the basketball after legs...that's counter productive...
check the beginners bodybuilding...demonstration of every exercise....there are 2 links there that will hep with the form....the hardest part is to keep lower back with a proper arch...to do that...just stick out out your chest as much as you can and hold that throughout the lift....eyes straight ahead, bend at the knees....push with legs through the floor, and straighten out the back at the end....
I suggest something like this:
superset with Hyperextensions using your bodyweight....to exhaustion....
Cable/T/Barbell Rows(12*,10,8,6,4)
Pulldowns/Pull Ups(12*,10,8,6,4)
2005/04/28, 08:29 PM
I agree with menace, if your wanting to gain weight do not do any cardiovascular. You gain weight by taking in more calories than you burn in a day, if your intentionally burning calories, as menace said if is counter productive. Here is my advice for a "beginner" bicep and back routine.
-Dumbell Curl (4 sets)
-Dumbell Hammer Curl (4 sets)
-Dumbell Incline Curl (4 sets)
-Concentration Curl (4 sets)
If you havn't been doing enough Hammer curls this will cause your biceps not to grow near as much, because if your only training 1 of your 2 biceps then they wont ever get to they're full size. If your arms are not getting as big as your want them to, exercise your chest, legs, and back once a week and your arms twice a week. Space the 2 arm exercises atleast 2 days apart though.
-Deadlift (4 sets)
-Dumbell Rows (4 sets)
-Lat. Pull Down (4 sets)
-Seated Rows (4 sets)
-Dumbell or Barbell Shrugs (4 sets)
If you can do more exercises for your back that's even better, this is just enough to exercise each muscle of your back a little bit so your not leaving any part out. As I said for arms, if your back is growing slower than the rest of your body, exercise it twice a week rather than once. You don't want to slow your legs and chest down to let the rest catch up, you want to make the rest get off their butts and move like your legs and chest are.
As far as how your routine is, this is what I would recommend for your schedule:
Monday - Chest (Biceps + Forearm 2nd work out)
Tueday - Back (Shoulders + Triceps 2nd work out)
Wednsday - Legs
Thursday - Biceps + Forearms
Friday - Shoulders + Triceps
Saturday - Rest
Sunday - Rest
If you don't need to exercise your shoulders and triceps on tuesday too and just need to do your back more, add your back on Thursday on Friday too. If you need help on how to eat in order to gain weight, times your body weight by 16 for how many calories you need. Times that by .6 and divide by 4 to get your protein needs, .3 and divide by 4 to get carb needs, and by .1 and divide by 9 for your fat needs. The final number will be how many grams of each that you need in a day and seperate it in to 4-5 meals. This is a 60% protein, 30% carb, and 10% fat diet. I have used it for 2 years so far and it is still working great.
Well I hope atleast one thing that I have written will come in use for you. I wish the best of luck to you, take care.