I have a 32DDD and im only 18. im tall and skinny, and my bust is too large for my body. i want to know how i can somehow tone my breasts to reduce their fattiness through exercising. i have thought about breast reduction surgery but im only 18! i dont want to have to resort to that yet before i figure out a simpler way to get my breast size down a little.
does anyone know any exercises that are usful for reducing the fat in breasts? :dumbbell:
id love ot just be a 32D, at least. id love to find shirts that fit my bust well and shirts that dont make me look slutty or too old for my age. i want to not have back pains all the time. i want to be comfortable with my bust.
If you want to reduce your fatty tissue you have to train your whole body. We can't spot reduce unfortunately. The fat will shed if you combine resistance with proper diet.
Your question is valid and you are not alone with wanting to spot reduce.
Try the "weight loss and definition" program from here at freetrainers, and I guarantee that within 3 weeks you will start to see a difference. Measure yourself with a tape measure before you start, and re-measure again in 3 weeks.
Measure your arms and also waist and thighs.
Good luck.
-------------- Scales are for dead weight: We are not dead yet!
Still trying to find out how to do the Hollywood Free Press.